Upgrade to Grafana v10.4

Unresolved directive in upgrade-v10.4.adoc - include::{root_path}shared/upgrade/intro.adoc[]

Unresolved directive in upgrade-v10.4.adoc - include::{root_path}shared/back-up/back-up-grafana.adoc[]

Unresolved directive in upgrade-v10.4.adoc - include::{root_path}shared/upgrade/upgrade-common-tasks.adoc[]

Technical notes

Legacy alerting → Grafana Alerting dry-run on start

If you haven’t already upgraded to Grafana Alerting from legacy Alerting, Grafana will initiate a dry-run of the upgrade every time the instance starts. This is in preparation for the removal of legacy Alerting in Grafana v11. The dry-run logs the results of the upgrade attempt and identifies any issues requiring attention before you can successfully execute the upgrade. No changes are made during the dry-run.

You can disable this behavior using the feature flag alertingUpgradeDryrunOnStart:


NOTE: We strongly encourage you to review the upgrade guide and perform the necessary upgrade steps prior to v11.