Upgrade to Grafana v10.1

Unresolved directive in upgrade-v10.1.adoc - include::{root_path}shared/upgrade/intro.adoc[]

Unresolved directive in upgrade-v10.1.adoc - include::{root_path}shared/back-up/back-up-grafana.adoc[]

Unresolved directive in upgrade-v10.1.adoc - include::{root_path}shared/upgrade/upgrade-common-tasks.adoc[]

Technical notes

OAuth role mapping enforcement

This change impacts GitHub OAuth, Gitlab OAuth, Okta OAuth, and Generic OAuth.

Previously, if no organization role mapping was found for a user when they connected using OAuth, Grafana didn’t update the user’s organization role.

With Grafana 10.1, on every login, if the role_attribute_path property doesn’t return a role, then the user is assigned the role specified by the auto_assign_org_role option or the default role for the organization, which is Viewer by default.

To avoid overriding manually set roles, enable the skip_org_role_sync option in the Grafana configuration for your OAuth provider before upgrading to Grafana 10.1 and before users log in for the first time on Grafana 10.1.

Example for Generic OAuth2:

skip_org_role_sync = true