Data links allow you to link to other panels, dashboards, and external resources while maintaining the context of the source panel. You can create links that include the series name or even the value under the cursor. For example, if your visualization shows four servers, you can add a data link to one or two of them.

The link itself is accessible in different ways depending on the visualization. For the time series visualization you need to click a data point or line:

Time series visualization with a data link displayed


For visualizations like stat, gauge, or bar gauge you can click anywhere on the visualization to open the context menu:

Stat visualization with a data link displayed


If there’s only one data link in the visualization, clicking anywhere on the visualization opens the link rather than the context menu.

Supported visualizations

You can configure data links for the following visualizations:

Bar chart


State timeline

Bar gauge


Status history





Pie chart

Time series




Variables in data links let you send people to a detailed dashboard with preserved data filters. For example, you could use variables to specify a label, time range, series, or variable selection.

To see a list of available variables, enter $ in the data link URL field.

NOTE: These variables changed in 6.4 so if you have an older version of Grafana, then use the version picker to select docs for an older version of Grafana.

Azure Monitor, CloudWatch, and Google Cloud Monitoring have pre-configured data links called deep links.

You can also use template variables in your data links URLs. For more information, refer to Templates and variables.

Time range panel variables

These variables allow you to include the current time range in the data link URL:

Variable Description


Current dashboard’s time range (for example, ?from=now-6h&to=now)


For more information, refer to Global variables.


For more information, refer to Global variables.

When you create data links using time range variables like __url_time_range in the URL, you have to form the query parameter syntax yourself; that is, you must format the URL by appending query parameters using the question mark (?) and ampersand (&) syntax. These characters aren’t automatically generated.

Series variables

Series-specific variables are available under __series namespace:

Variable Description

Series name to the URL

Field variables

Field-specific variables are available under __field namespace:

Variable Description

The name of the field


Label’s value to the URL. If your label contains dots, then use __field.labels["<LABEL>"] syntax.

Value variables

Value-specific variables are available under __value namespace:

Variable Description


Value’s timestamp (Unix ms epoch) to the URL (for example, ?time=1560268814105)


Raw value


Numeric representation of a value


Text representation of a value


Calculation name if the value is result of calculation

Using value-specific variables in data links can show different results depending on the set option of Tooltip mode.

When you create data links using time range variables like __value.time in the URL, you have to form the query parameter syntax yourself; that is, you must add the question mark (?) and ampersand (&). These characters aren’t automatically generated.

Data variables

To access values and labels from other fields use:

Variable Description


Value of field i (on the same row)


Value of field using name instead of index


Value of field using name instead of index


Access labels of another field

Template variables

When linking to another dashboard that uses template variables, select variable values for whoever clicks the link.

${var-myvar:queryparam} - where var-myvar is the name of the template variable that matches one in the current dashboard that you want to use.

Variable state Result in the created URL

selected one value


selected multiple values


selected All


If you want to add all of the current dashboard’s variables to the URL, then use ${__all_variables}.

  1. Navigate to the panel to which you want to add the data link.

  2. Hover over any part of the panel to display the menu icon in the upper-right corner.

  3. Click the menu icon and select Edit to open the panel editor.

  4. In the panel edit pane, scroll down to the Data links section and expand it.

  5. Click Add link.

  6. In the dialog box that opens, enter a Title. This is a human-readable label for the link, which will be displayed in the UI.

  7. Enter the URL or variable to which you want to link.

    To add a data link variable, click in the URL field and enter $ or press Ctrl+Space or Cmd+Space to see a list of available variables.

  8. If you want the link to open in a new tab, then toggle the Open in a new tab switch.

  9. Click Save to save changes and close the dialog box.

  10. Click Apply to see your changes in the dashboard.

  11. Click the Save dashboard icon to save your changes to the dashboard.