Grafana Explore Metrics

Grafana Explore Metrics is a query-less experience for browsing Prometheus-compatible metrics. Quickly find related metrics with just a few simple clicks, without needing to write PromQL queries to retrieve metrics.

CAUTION: Explore Metrics is currently in public preview. Grafana Labs offers limited support, and breaking changes might occur prior to the feature being made generally available.

With Explore Metrics, you can:

  • easily slice and dice metrics based on their labels, so you can immediately see anomalies and identify issues

  • see the right visualization for your metric based on its type (gauge vs. counter, for example) without building it yourself

  • surface other metrics relevant to the current metric

  • “explore in a drawer” - expand a drawer over a dashboard with more content so you don’t lose your place

  • view a history of user steps when navigating through metrics and their filters ////

    • easily pivot to other related telemetry, including logs or traces