
Gauges are single-value visualizations that can repeat a gauge for every series, column or row.

A gauge visualization
Figure 1. A gauge visualization

Value options

Use the following options to refine how your visualization displays the value:


Choose how Grafana displays your data.


Show a calculated value based on all rows.

  • Calculation - Select a reducer function that Grafana will use to reduce many fields to a single value. For a list of available calculations, refer to Calculation types.

  • Fields - Select the fields display in the panel.

All values

Show a separate stat for every row. If you select this option, then you can also limit the number of rows to display.

  • Limit - The maximum number of rows to display. Default is 5,000.

  • Fields - Select the fields display in the panel.


Adjust how the gauge is displayed.


Choose a stacking direction.

  • Auto - Gauges display in rows and columns.

  • Horizontal - Gauges display top to bottom.

  • Vertical - Gauges display left to right.

Show threshold labels

Controls if threshold values are shown.

Show threshold markers

Controls if a threshold band is shown outside the inner gauge value band.

Gauge size

Choose a gauge size mode.

  • Auto - Grafana determines the best gauge size.

  • Manual - Manually configure the gauge size.

Min width

Set the minimum width of vertically-oriented gauges.

If you set a minimum width, the x-axis scrollbar is automatically displayed when there’s a large amount of data.

NOTE: This option only applies when gauge size is set to manual.

Min height

Set the minimum height of horizontally-oriented gauges.

If you set a minimum height, the y-axis scrollbar is automatically displayed when there’s a large amount of data.

NOTE: This option only applies when gauge size is set to manual.


Set the starting value from which every gauge will be filled.

Text size

Adjust the sizes of the gauge text.

  • Title - Enter a numeric value for the gauge title size.

  • Value - Enter a numeric value for the gauge value size.

Unresolved directive in gauge.adoc - include::./{root_path}shared/visualizations/datalink-options.adoc[]


Unresolved directive in gauge.adoc - include::../{root_path}shared/visualizations/thresholds-options-2.adoc[]

Value mappings

Unresolved directive in gauge.adoc - include::../{root_path}shared/visualizations/value-mappings-options.adoc[]

Field overrides

Unresolved directive in gauge.adoc - include::../{root_path}shared/visualizations/overrides-options.adoc[]