patroni.postgresql package


Module contents

class _patroni.postgresql.Postgresql(_config: Dict[ str, Any], mpp: AbstractMPP) View on GitHub

Bases: object +

POSTMASTER_START_TIME_ = 'pg_catalog.pg_postmaster_start_time()'_


TL_LSN_ = "CASE WHEN pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() THEN 0 ELSE ('x' || pg_catalog.substr(pg_catalog.pg_{0}file_name(pg_catalog.pg_current_{0}_{1}()), 1, 8))::bit(32)::int END, CASE WHEN pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() THEN 0 ELSE pg_catalog.pg_{0}_{1}_diff(pg_catalog.pg_current_{0}{2}_{1}(), '0/0')::bigint END, pg_catalog.pg_{0}_{1}_diff(pg_catalog.pg_last_{0}_replay_{1}(), '0/0')::bigint, pg_catalog.pg_{0}_{1}_diff(COALESCE(pg_catalog.pg_last_{0}_receive_{1}(), '0/0'), '0/0')::bigint, pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() AND pg_catalog.pg_is_{0}_replay_paused()"_


__init\\__(config: Dict[ str, Any], mpp: AbstractMPP) → None View on GitHub


before_stop() → None\__init\\[View on GitHub]

Synchronously run a script prior to stopping postgres. +

checkpoint_locations_from_controldata(_data: Dict[ str, str]) → Tuple[ int, int] | None View on GitHub

Get shutdown checkpoint location. +


datadict object with values returned by pg_controldata tool.


a tuple of checkpoint LSN for the cleanly shut down primary, and LSN of prev wal record (SWITCH) if we know that the checkpoint was written to the new WAL file due to the archive_mode=on. +

cluster_info_state_get(_name: str) → Any | None View on GitHub


do_before_stop(_cmd: str) → None View on GitHub


do_stop(_mode: str, block_callbacks: bool, checkpoint: bool, on_safepoint: Callable[[…​], Any] | None, on_shutdown: Callable[[ int, int], Any] | None, before_shutdown: Callable[[…​], Any] | None, stop_timeout: int | None) → Tuple[ bool, bool] View on GitHub


get_gucs() → CaseInsensitiveSet\__init\\[View on GitHub]

Get all available GUCs based on postgres`+ ``--describe-config+` output. +


all available GUCs in the local Postgres server. +

pre_promote() → bool\__init\\[View on GitHub]

Runs a fencing script after the leader lock is acquired but before the replica is promoted. If the script exits with a non-zero code, promotion does not happen and the leader key is removed from DCS. +

query(_sql: str, *params: Any) → List[ Tuple[ Any, …​]] View on GitHub

Execute sql query with params and optionally return results. +


a query response as a list of tuples if there is any.


Error if had issues while executing sql.
PostgresConnectionException: if had issues while connecting to the database.
RetryFailedError: if it was detected that connection/query failed due to PostgreSQL restart. +

version_file_exists() → bool\__init\\[View on GitHub]


wait_for_connection_close(_postmaster: PostmasterProcess) → None View on GitHub


wait_promote(_wait_seconds: int) → bool | None View on GitHub


static \__wal_position(_is_primary: bool, wal_position: int, received_location: int | None, replayed_location: int | None) → int View on GitHub


property _available_gucs: CaseInsensitiveSet_

GUCs available in this Postgres server. +

call_nowait(cb_type: CallbackAction) → None View on GitHub

pick a callback command and call it without waiting for it to finish +

property _callback: Dict[ str, str]_


property _can_advance_slots: bool_

True if :attr:`major_version` is greater than 110000. +

can_create_replica_without_replication_connection(replica_methods: List[ str] | None) → bool View on GitHub

go through the replication methods to see if there are ones that does not require a working replication connection. +

property _cb_called: bool_


check_for_startup() → bool View on GitHub

Checks PostgreSQL status and returns if PostgreSQL is in the middle of startup. +

check_startup_state_changed() → bool View on GitHub

Checks if PostgreSQL has completed starting up or failed or still starting. + Should only be called when state == ‘starting’ +


True if state was changed from ‘starting’ +

checkpoint(connect_kwargs: Dict[ str, Any] | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) → str | None View on GitHub


property _cluster_info_query: str_

Returns the monitoring query with a fixed number of fields. + The query text is constructed based on current state in DCS and PostgreSQL version: +

  1. function names depend on version. wal/lsn for v10+ and xlog/location for pre v10.

  2. for primary we query timeline_id (extracted from pg_walfile_name()) and pg_current_wal_lsn()

  3. for replicas we query pg_last_wal_receive_lsn(), pg_last_wal_replay_lsn(), and pg_is_wal_replay_paused()

  4. for v9.6+ we query primary_slot_name and primary_conninfo from pg_stat_get_wal_receiver()

  5. for v11+ with permanent logical slots we query from pg_replication_slots and aggregate the result

  6. for standby_leader node running v9.6+ we also query pg_control_checkpoint to fetch timeline_id

  7. if sync replication is enabled we query pg_stat_replication and aggregate the result. In addition to that we get current values of synchronous_commit and synchronous_standby_names GUCs.
    If some conditions are not satisfied we simply put static values instead. E.g., NULL, 0, ‘’, and so on. +

configure_server_parameters() → None View on GitHub


connection() → connection3 | Connection3[Any] View on GitHub


controldata() → Dict[ str, str] View on GitHub

return the contents of pg_controldata, or non-True value if pg_controldata call failed +

property _create_replica_methods: List[ str]_


property _data_dir: str_


data_directory_empty() → bool View on GitHub


property _database: str_


property _enforce_hot_standby_feedback: bool_


ensure_major_version_is_known() → bool View on GitHub

Calls configure_server_parameters() if _major_version is not known +


True if _major_version is set, otherwise False +

follow(member: Leader | Member | None, role: str = 'replica', timeout: float | None = None, do_reload: bool = False) → bool | None View on GitHub

Reconfigure postgres to follow a new member or use different recovery parameters. + Method may call on_role_change callback if role is changing. +


True - if restart/reload were successfully performed, False - if restart/reload failed None - if nothing was done or if Postgres is still in starting state after timeout seconds. +

get_guc_value(name: str) → str | None View on GitHub


get_history(timeline: int) → List[ Tuple[ int, int, str] | Tuple[ int, int, str, str, str]] View on GitHub


get_major_version() → int View on GitHub

Reads major version from PG_VERSION file +


major PostgreSQL version in integer format or 0 in case of missing file or errors +

get_postgres_role_from_data_directory() → str View on GitHub


get_primary_timeline() → int View on GitHub

current timeline if postgres is running as a primary or 0. +

get_replica_timeline() → int | None View on GitHub


get_replication_connection_cursor(host: str | None = None, port: int | str = 5432, **kwargs: Any) → Iterator[cursor | Cursor[Any]] View on GitHub


handle_parameter_change() → None View on GitHub


initdb(*args: str, **kwargs: Any) → bool View on GitHub

Builds and executes the initdb command. +


True if the result of\',+ ``+the+ +exit+ +code,+ +is+ +`\'\'0`. +

is_healthy() → bool View on GitHub


is_primary() → bool View on GitHub


is_running() → PostmasterProcess | None View on GitHub

Returns PostmasterProcess if one is running on the data directory or None. If most recently seen process is running updates the cached process based on pid file. +

is_starting() → bool View on GitHub


last_operation() → int View on GitHub


latest_checkpoint_location() → int | None View on GitHub

Get shutdown checkpoint location. + Note

  In case if checkpoint was written to the new WAL file due to the archive_mode=on we return LSN of the previous wal record (SWITCH).
    checkpoint LSN for the cleanly shut down primary.
property _lsn_name: str_


property _major_version: int_


move_data_directory() → None View on GitHub


parse_wal_record(timeline: str, lsn: str) → Tuple[ str, str, str, str] | Tuple[ None, None, None, None] View on GitHub


property _pending_restart_reason: CaseInsensitiveDict_

Get _pending_restart_reason value.
_pending_restart_reason is a CaseInsensitiveDict object of the PG parameters that are causing pending restart state. Every key is a parameter name, value - a dictionary containing the old and the new value (see get_param_diff()). +

pg_control_exists() → bool View on GitHub


pg_control_timeline() → int | None View on GitHub


pg_ctl(cmd: str, *args: str, **kwargs: Any) → bool View on GitHub

Builds and executes pg_ctl command +


!True when return_code == 0, otherwise !False +

pg_isready() → str View on GitHub

Runs pg_isready to see if PostgreSQL is accepting connections. +


‘ok’ if PostgreSQL is up, ‘reject’ if starting up, ‘no_resopnse’ if not up. +

pg_stat_replication() → List[ Dict[ str, Any]] View on GitHub

a result set of ‘SELECT * FROM pg_stat_replication’. +

pg_tblspc_realpaths() → Dict[ str, str] View on GitHub

Returns a dict containing the symlink (key) and target (values) for the tablespaces +

pg_wal_realpath() → Dict[ str, str] View on GitHub

Returns a dict containing the symlink (key) and target (value) for the wal directory +

pgcommand(cmd: str) → str View on GitHub

Return path to the specified PostgreSQL command. + Note

  If `+postgresql.bin_name.*cmd*+` was configured by the user then that binary name is used, otherwise the default binary name _cmd_ is used.
    *cmd* – the Postgres binary name to get path to.
    path to Postgres binary named _cmd_.
postmaster_start_time() → str | None View on GitHub


primary_conninfo() → str | None View on GitHub


primary_slot_name() → str | None View on GitHub


promote(wait_seconds: int, task: CriticalTask, before_promote: Callable[[…​], Any] | None = None) → bool | None View on GitHub


query(sql: str, *params: Any, retry: bool = True) → List[ Tuple[ Any, …​]] View on GitHub

Execute sql query with params and optionally return results. +


a query response as a list of tuples if there is any.


Error if had issues while executing sql.
PostgresConnectionException: if had issues while connecting to the database.
RetryFailedError: if it was detected that connection/query failed due to PostgreSQL restart or if retry deadline was exceeded. +

received_location() → int | None View on GitHub


received_timeline() → int | None View on GitHub


reload(block_callbacks: bool = False) → bool View on GitHub


reload_config(config: Dict[ str, Any], sighup: bool = False) → None View on GitHub


remove_data_directory() → None View on GitHub


replay_paused() → bool View on GitHub


replayed_location() → int | None View on GitHub


replica_cached_timeline(primary_timeline: int | None) → int | None View on GitHub


replica_method_can_work_without_replication_connection(method: str) → bool View on GitHub


replica_method_options(method: str) → Dict[ str, Any] View on GitHub


replication_state() → str | None View on GitHub

Checks replication state from pg_stat_get_wal_receiver(). + Note

  Available only since 9.6
    `+streaming+`, `+in+``+ +``+archive+``+ +``+recovery+`, or `+None+`
replication_state_from_parameters(is_primary: bool, receiver_state: str | None, restore_command: str | None) → str | None View on GitHub

Figure out the replication state from input parameters. + Note

  This method could be only called when Postgres is up, running and queries are successfuly executed.
    True is postgres is not running in recovery
    value from pg_stat_get_wal_receiver.state or None if Postgres is older than 9.6
    value of `+restore_command+` GUC for PostgreSQL 12+ or postgresql.recovery_conf.restore_command if it is set in Patroni configuration
reset_cluster_info_state(cluster: Cluster | None, tags: Tags | None = None) → None View on GitHub

Reset monitoring query cache. + Note

  It happens in the beginning of heart-beat loop and on change of synchronous_standby_names.
restart(timeout: float | None = None, task: CriticalTask | None = None, block_callbacks: bool = False, role: str | None = None, before_shutdown: Callable[[…​], Any] | None = None, after_start: Callable[[…​], Any] | None = None) → bool | None View on GitHub

Restarts PostgreSQL. + When timeout parameter is set the call will block either until PostgreSQL has started, failed to start or timeout arrives. +


True when restart was successful and timeout did not expire when waiting. +

resume_wal_replay() → None View on GitHub


property _role: str_


schedule_sanity_checks_after_pause() → None View on GitHub

After coming out of pause we have to: 1. configure server parameters if necessary 2. sync replication slots, because it might happen that slots were removed 3. get new ‘Database system identifier’ to make sure that it wasn’t changed +

property _server_version: int_


set_enforce_hot_standby_feedback(value: bool) → None View on GitHub


set_pending_restart_reason(diff_dict: CaseInsensitiveDict) → None View on GitHub

Set new or update current _pending_restart_reason. +


diff_dict – :class:`CaseInsensitiveDict` object with the parameters that are causing pending restart state with the diff of their values. Used to reset/update the _pending_restart_reason. +

set_role(value: str) → None View on GitHub


set_state(value: str) → None View on GitHub


slots() → Dict[ str, int] View on GitHub


start(timeout: float | None = None, task: CriticalTask | None = None, block_callbacks: bool = False, role: str | None = None, after_start: Callable[[…​], Any] | None = None) → bool | None View on GitHub

Start PostgreSQL + Waits for postmaster to open ports or terminate so pg_isready can be used to check startup completion or failure. +


True if start was initiated and postmaster ports are open, False if start failed, and None if postgres is still starting up +

property _state: str_


stop(mode: str = 'fast', block_callbacks: bool = False, checkpoint: bool | None = None, on_safepoint: Callable[[…​], Any] | None = None, on_shutdown: Callable[[ int, int], Any] | None = None, before_shutdown: Callable[[…​], Any] | None = None, stop_timeout: int | None = None) → bool View on GitHub

Stop PostgreSQL + Supports a callback when a safepoint is reached. A safepoint is when no user backend can return a successful commit to users. Currently this means we wait for user backends to close. But in the future alternate mechanisms could be added. +



property _supports_multiple_sync: bool_

True if Postgres version supports more than one synchronous node. +


returns +

synchronous_commit() → str View on GitHub

“synchronous_commit” GUC value. +

synchronous_standby_names() → str View on GitHub

“synchronous_standby_names” GUC value. +

property _sysid: str_


terminate_postmaster(postmaster: PostmasterProcess, mode: str, stop_timeout: int | None) → bool | None View on GitHub


terminate_starting_postmaster(postmaster: PostmasterProcess) → None View on GitHub

Terminates a postmaster that has not yet opened ports or possibly even written a pid file. Blocks until the process goes away. +

time_in_state() → float View on GitHub


timeline_wal_position() → Tuple[ int, int, int | None] View on GitHub


wait_for_port_open(postmaster: PostmasterProcess, timeout: float) → bool View on GitHub

Waits until PostgreSQL opens ports. +

wait_for_startup(timeout: float = 0) → bool | None View on GitHub

Waits for PostgreSQL startup to complete or fail. +


True if start was successful, False otherwise +

property _wal_dir: str_


property _wal_flush: str_

For PostgreSQL 9.6 onwards we want to use pg_current_wal_flush_lsn()/pg_current_xlog_flush_location(). +

property _wal_name: str_


waldump(timeline: int | str, lsn: str, limit: int) → Tuple[ bytes | None, bytes | None] View on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.null_context() View on GitHub

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