
Pause/Resume mode for the cluster

The goal

Under certain circumstances Patroni needs to temporarily step down from managing the cluster, while still retaining the cluster state in DCS. Possible use cases are uncommon activities on the cluster, such as major version upgrades or corruption recovery. During those activities nodes are often started and stopped for reasons unknown to Patroni, some nodes can be even temporarily promoted, violating the assumption of running only one primary. Therefore, Patroni needs to be able to “detach” from the running cluster, implementing an equivalent of the maintenance mode in Pacemaker.

The implementation

When Patroni runs in a paused mode, it does not change the state of PostgreSQL, except for the following cases:

User guide

patronictl supports pause and resume commands.

One can also issue a PATCH request to the {namespace}/{cluster}/config key with {"pause":`+ ``+true/false/null}`

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