patroni.postgresql.cancellable module

_class _patroni.postgresql.cancellable.CancellableExecutor View on GitHub

Bases: object + There must be only one such process so that AsyncExecutor can easily cancel it. +

__init\\__() → None View on GitHub


_kill_children() → None View on GitHub


_kill_process() → None View on GitHub


start_process(_cmd: List[ str], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → bool | None View on GitHub

This method must be executed only when the _lock is acquired

_class _patroni.postgresql.cancellable.CancellableSubprocess View on GitHub

Bases: CancellableExecutor +

__init\\__() → None View on GitHub


call(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any | Dict[ str, str]) → int | None View on GitHub


cancel(kill: bool = False) → None View on GitHub


property _is_cancelled: bool_


reset_is_cancelled() → None View on GitHub

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