patroni.postgresql.postmaster module

class _patroni.postgresql.postmaster.PostmasterProcess(_pid: int) View on GitHub

Bases: Process +

__init\\__(pid: int) → None View on GitHub


classmethod \\__from_pidfile(_data_dir: str) → PostmasterProcess | None View on GitHub


_is_postmaster_process() → bool View on GitHub


static \\__read_postmaster_pidfile(_data_dir: str) → Dict[ str, str] View on GitHub

Reads and parses from the data directory
:returns dictionary of values if successful, empty dictionary otherwise +

classmethod _from_pid(_pid: int) → PostmasterProcess | None View on GitHub


static _from_pidfile(_data_dir: str) → PostmasterProcess | None View on GitHub


pg_ctl_kill(mode: str, pg_ctl: str) → bool | None View on GitHub


signal_kill() → bool View on GitHub

to suspend and kill postmaster and all children
:returns True if postmaster and children are killed, False if error +

signal_stop(mode: str, pg_ctl: str = 'pg_ctl') → bool | None View on GitHub

Signal postmaster process to stop
:returns None if signaled, True if process is already gone, False if error +

static _start(_pgcommand: str, data_dir: str, conf: str, options: List[ str]) → PostmasterProcess | None View on GitHub


wait_for_user_backends_to_close(stop_timeout: float | None) → None View on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.postmaster.pg_ctl_start(conn: Connection, cmdline: List[ str], env: Dict[ str, str]) → None View on GitHub

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