patroni.watchdog package

Module contents

class _patroni.watchdog.Watchdog(_config: Config) View on GitHub

Bases: object + Facade to dynamically manage watchdog implementations and handle config changes. + When activation fails underlying implementation will be switched to a Null implementation. To avoid log spam activation will only be retried when watchdog configuration is changed. +

__init\\__(config: Config) → None View on GitHub


_activate() → bool View on GitHub


_disable() → None View on GitHub


_set_timeout() → int | None View on GitHub


activate(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any View on GitHub


disable(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any View on GitHub


property _is_healthy: Any_


property _is_running: Any_


keepalive(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any View on GitHub


reload_config(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any View on GitHub
exception _patroni.watchdog.WatchdogError(_value: Any) View on GitHub

Bases: PatroniException + Any problem faced while managing a watchdog device.

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