patroni.scripts.wale_restore module

class _patroni.scripts.wale_restore.ExitCode(_value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) View on GitHub

Bases: IntEnum +

FAIL_ = 2_

Don’t try again unless configuration changes +


External issue, retry later +



class _patroni.scripts.wale_restore.WALEConfig(_env_dir, threshold_mb, threshold_pct, cmd) View on GitHub

Bases: NamedTuple +

_asdict() View on GitHub

Return a new dict which maps field names to their values. +

field_defaults = \{}_


fields = ('env_dir', 'threshold_mb', 'threshold_pct', 'cmd')_


classmethod \\__make(_iterable) View on GitHub

Make a new WALEConfig object from a sequence or iterable +

replace(**kwds_) View on GitHub

Return a new WALEConfig object replacing specified fields with new values +

cmd_: List[ str]_

Alias for field number 3 +

env_dir_: str_

Alias for field number 0 +

threshold_mb_: int_

Alias for field number 1 +

threshold_pct_: int_

Alias for field number 2

class _patroni.scripts.wale_restore.WALERestore(_scope: str, datadir: str, connstring: str, env_dir: str, threshold_mb: int, threshold_pct: int, use_iam: int, no_leader: bool, retries: int) View on GitHub

Bases: object +

__init\\__(scope: str, datadir: str, connstring: str, env_dir: str, threshold_mb: int, threshold_pct: int, use_iam: int, no_leader: bool, retries: int) → None View on GitHub


create_replica_with_s3() → int View on GitHub


fix_subdirectory_path_if_broken(dirname: str) → bool View on GitHub


run() → int View on GitHub

Creates a new replica using WAL-E +


0 = Success 1 = Error, try again 2 = Error, don’t try again

Return type

ExitCode +

should_use_s3_to_create_replica() → bool | None View on GitHub

determine whether it makes sense to use S3 and not pg_basebackup

patroni.scripts.wale_restore.get_major_version(data_dir: str) → float View on GitHub
patroni.scripts.wale_restore.main() → int View on GitHub
patroni.scripts.wale_restore.repr_size(n_bytes: float) → str View on GitHub
>>> repr_size(1000)
'1000 Bytes'
>>> repr_size(8257332324597)
'7.5 TiB'
patroni.scripts.wale_restore.size_as_bytes(size: float, prefix: str) → int View on GitHub
>>> size_as_bytes(7.5, 'T')

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