
Data Corruption

etcd data corruption and recovery

etcd has built in automated data corruption detection to prevent member state from diverging.

Enabling data corruption detection

Data corruption detection can be done using:

  • Initial check, enabled with --experimental-initial-corrupt-check flag.

  • Periodic check of:

    • Compacted revision hash, enabled with --experimental-compact-hash-check-enabled flag.

    • Latest revision hash, enabled with --experimental-corrupt-check-time flag.

Initial check will be executed during bootstrap of etcd member. Member will compare its persistent state vs other members and exit if there is a mismatch.

Both periodic check will be executed by the cluster leader in a cluster that is already running. Leader will compare its persistent state vs other members and raise a CORRUPT ALARM if there is a mismatch. Both checks serve the same purpose, however they are both worth enabling to balance performance and time to detection.

  • Compacted revision hash check - requires regular compaction, minimal performance cost, handles slow followers.

  • Latest revision hash check - high performance cost, doesn’t handle slow followers or frequent compactions.

Compacted revision hash check

When enabled using --experimental-compact-hash-check-enabled flag, check will be executed once every minute. This can be adjusted using --experimental-compact-hash-check-time flag using format: 1m - every minute, 1h - evey hour. This check extends compaction to also calculate checksum that can be compared between cluster members. Doesn’t cause additional database scan making it very cheap, but requiring a regular compaction in cluster.

Latest revision hash check

Enabled using --experimental-corrupt-check-time flag, requires providing an execution period in format: 1m - every minute, 1h - evey hour. Recommended period is a couple of hours due to a high performance cost. Running a check requires computing a checksum by scanning entire etcd content at given revision.

Restoring a corrupted member

There are three ways to restore a corrupted member:

  • Purge member persistent state

  • Replace member

  • Restore whole cluster

After the corrupted member is restored, CORRUPT ALARM can be removed.

Purge member persistent state

Members state can be purged by:

  1. Stopping the etcd instance.

  2. Backing up etcd data directory.

  3. Moving out the snap subdirectory from the etcd data directory.

  4. Starting etcd with --initial-cluster-state=existing and cluster members listed in --initial-cluster.

Etcd member is expected to download up-to-date snapshot from the leader.

Replace member

Member can be replaced by:

  1. Stopping the etcd instance.

  2. Backing up the etcd data directory.

  3. Removing the data directory.

  4. Removing the member from cluster by running etcdctl member remove.

  5. Adding it back by running etcdctl member add

  6. Starting etcd with --initial-cluster-state=existing and cluster members listed in --initial-cluster.

Restore whole cluster

Cluster can be restored by saving a snapshot from current leader and restoring it to all members. Run etcdctl snapshot save against the leader and follow restoring a cluster procedure.

Last modified September 17, 2023: Change from it’s to its (070ed10)