

Instructions for installing etcd from pre-built binaries or from source.


Before installing etcd, see the following pages:

Install pre-built binaries

The easiest way to install etcd is from pre-built binaries:

  1. Download the compressed archive file for your platform from Releases, choosing release v3.5.0 or later.

  2. Unpack the archive file. This results in a directory containing the binaries.

  3. Add the executable binaries to your path. For example, rename and/or move the binaries to a directory in your path (like /usr/local/bin), or add the directory created by the previous step to your path.

  4. From a shell, test that etcd is in your path:

    $ etcd --version
    etcd Version: 3.5.0

Build from source

If you have Go version 1.16+, you can build etcd from source by following these steps:

  1. Download the etcd repo as a zip file and unzip it, or clone the repo using the following command.

    $ git clone -b v3.5.0

    To build from main@HEAD, omit the -b v3.5.0 flag.

  2. Change directory:

    $ cd etcd
  3. Run the build script:

    $ ./

    The binaries are under the bin directory.

  4. Add the full path to the bin directory to your path, for example:

    $ export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/bin"
  5. Test that etcd is in your path:

    $ etcd --version

Installation via OS packages

Disclaimer: etcd installations through OS package managers can deliver outdated versions since they are not being automatically maintained nor officially supported by etcd project. Therefore use OS packages with caution.

There are various ways of installing etcd on different operating systems and these are just some examples how it can be done.

MacOS (Homebrew)

  1. Update homebrew:

$ brew update
  1. Install etcd:

$ brew install etcd
  1. Verify install

$ etcd --version



Installation as part of Kubernetes installation

TBD—Help Wanted

Installation on Kubernetes, using a statefulset or helm chart

The etcd project does not currently maintain a helm chart, however you can follow the instructions provided by Bitnami’s etcd Helm chart.

Installation check

For a slightly more involved sanity check of your installation, see Quickstart.