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75.4. BKI Commands #

create `tablename tableoid [[.optional]bootstrap] [[.optional]shared_relation] [[.optional]rowtype_oid` `oid] (name1 = type1 [[.optional]FORCE NOT NULL` | FORCE NULL# ] , `name2 = type2 [[.optional]FORCE NOT NULL` | FORCE NULL# ], …​])

Create a table named `tablename, and having the OID tableoid, with the columns given in parentheses. + The following column types are supported directly by `bootstrap.c: bool, bytea, char (1 byte), name, int2, int4, regproc, regclass, regtype, text, oid, tid, xid, cid, int2vector, oidvector, _int4 (array), _text (array), _oid (array), _char (array), _aclitem (array). Although it is possible to create tables containing columns of other types, this cannot be done until after pg_type has been created and filled with appropriate entries. (That effectively means that only these column types can be used in bootstrap catalogs, but non-bootstrap catalogs can contain any built-in type.) + When bootstrap is specified, the table will only be created on disk; nothing is entered into pg_class, pg_attribute, etc., for it. Thus the table will not be accessible by ordinary SQL operations until such entries are made the hard way (with insert commands). This option is used for creating pg_class etc. themselves. + The table is created as shared if shared_relation is specified. The table’s row type OID (pg_type OID) can optionally be specified via the rowtype_oid clause; if not specified, an OID is automatically generated for it. (The rowtype_oid clause is useless if bootstrap is specified, but it can be provided anyway for documentation.)

open `tablename`

Open the table named `tablename` for insertion of data. Any currently open table is closed.

close `tablename`

Close the open table. The name of the table must be given as a cross-check.

insert ( [[.optional]`oid_value] value1 value2 …​ `)

Insert a new row into the open table using `value1, value2, etc., for its column values. + NULL values can be specified using the special key word `_null_. Values that do not look like identifiers or digit strings must be single-quoted. (To include a single quote in a value, write it twice. Escape-string-style backslash escapes are allowed in the string, too.)

declare [[.optional]unique] index `indexname indexoid `on `tablename `using `amname `( `opclass1 name1 [[.optional], …​] `)

Create an index named `indexname, having OID indexoid, on the table named tablename, using the amname access method. The fields to index are called name1, name2 etc., and the operator classes to use are opclass1, opclass2` etc., respectively. The index file is created and appropriate catalog entries are made for it, but the index contents are not initialized by this command.

declare toast `toasttableoid toastindexoid `on `tablename`

Create a TOAST table for the table named `tablename. The TOAST table is assigned OID toasttableoid and its index is assigned OID toastindexoid. As with `declare index, filling of the index is postponed.

build indices

Fill in the indices that have previously been declared.

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75.3. BKI File Format


75.5. Structure of the Bootstrap BKI File

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