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20.18. Short Options

For convenience there are also single letter command-line option switches available for some parameters. They are described in Table 20.4. Some of these options exist for historical reasons, and their presence as a single-letter option does not necessarily indicate an endorsement to use the option heavily.

Table 20.4. Short Option Key

Short Option Equivalent

+-B +`+x+`

+shared_buffers = +`+x+`

+-d +`+x+`

+log_min_messages = DEBUG+`+x+`


datestyle = euro

-fb, -fh, -fi, -fm, -fn, -fo, -fs, -ft

enable_bitmapscan = off, enable_hashjoin = off, enable_indexscan = off, enable_mergejoin = off, enable_nestloop = off, enable_indexonlyscan = off, enable_seqscan = off, enable_tidscan = off


fsync = off

+-h +`+x+`

+listen_addresses = +`+x+`


listen_addresses = '*'

+-k +`+x+`

+unix_socket_directories = +`+x+`


ssl = on

+-N +`+x+`

+max_connections = +`+x+`


allow_system_table_mods = on

+-p +`+x+`

+port = +`+x+`


ignore_system_indexes = on


log_statement_stats = on

+-S +`+x+`

+work_mem = +`+x+`

-tpa, -tpl, -te

log_parser_stats = on, log_planner_stats = on, log_executor_stats = on

+-W +`+x+`

+post_auth_delay = +`+x+`


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20.17. Developer Options


Chapter 21. Client Authentication

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