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Chapter 36. ECPG — Embedded SQL in C

Table of Contents

ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR — allocate an SQL descriptor area

CONNECT — establish a database connection

DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR — deallocate an SQL descriptor area

DECLARE — define a cursor

DECLARE STATEMENT — declare SQL statement identifier

DESCRIBE — obtain information about a prepared statement or result set

DISCONNECT — terminate a database connection

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE — dynamically prepare and execute a statement

GET DESCRIPTOR — get information from an SQL descriptor area

OPEN — open a dynamic cursor

PREPARE — prepare a statement for execution

SET AUTOCOMMIT — set the autocommit behavior of the current session

SET CONNECTION — select a database connection

SET DESCRIPTOR — set information in an SQL descriptor area

TYPE — define a new data type

VAR — define a variable

WHENEVER — specify the action to be taken when an SQL statement causes a specific class condition to be raised

This chapter describes the embedded SQL package for PostgreSQL. It was written by Linus Tolke (+<+`+[email protected]++>`) and Michael Meskes (`<`mailto:[email protected][`[email protected]]>`). Originally it was written to work with C. It also works with C, but it does not recognize all C constructs yet.

This documentation is quite incomplete. But since this interface is standardized, additional information can be found in many resources about SQL.

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35.5. Example Program


36.1. The Concept

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