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53.42. pg_publication_rel

The catalog pg_publication_rel contains the mapping between relations and publications in the database. This is a many-to-many mapping. See also Section 54.17 for a more user-friendly view of this information.

Table 53.42. pg_publication_rel Columns

Column Type Description

oid oid

Row identifier

prpubid oid (references pg_publication.oid)

Reference to publication

prrelid oid (references pg_class.oid)

Reference to relation

prqual pg_node_tree

Expression tree (in nodeToString() representation) for the relation’s publication qualifying condition. Null if there is no publication qualifying condition.

prattrs int2vector (references pg_attribute.attnum)

This is an array of values that indicates which table columns are part of the publication. For example, a value of 1 3 would mean that the first and the third table columns are published. A null value indicates that all columns are published.


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53.41. pg_publication_namespace


53.43. pg_range

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