patroni.scripts.barman.recover module

Implements patroni_barman`+ ``+recover` sub-command.

Restore a Barman backup to the local node through pg-backup-api.

This sub-command can be used both as a custom bootstrap method, and as a custom create replica method. Check the output of --help to understand the parameters supported by the sub-command. --datadir is a special parameter and it is automatically filled by Patroni in both cases.

It requires that you have previously configured a Barman server, and that you have pg-backup-api configured and running in the same host as Barman.

Refer to ExitCode for possible exit codes of this sub-command.

class _patroni.scripts.barman.recover.ExitCode(_value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) View on GitHub

Bases: IntEnum + Possible exit codes of this script. +







patroni.scripts.barman.recover.restore_backup(_api: PgBackupApi, barman_server: str, backup_id: str, ssh_command: str, data_directory: str, loop_wait: int) → int View on GitHub

Restore the configured Barman backup through pg-backup-api. + Note

If requests to `+pg-backup-api+` fail recurrently or we face HTTP errors, then exit with link:#patroni.scripts.barman.recover.ExitCode.HTTP_ERROR[`+ExitCode.HTTP_ERROR+`].
  the return code to be used when exiting the `+patroni_barman+` application. Refer to link:#patroni.scripts.barman.recover.ExitCode[`+ExitCode+`].
patroni.scripts.barman.recover.run_barman_recover(api: PgBackupApi, args: Namespace) → int View on GitHub

Run a remote barman`+ ``+recover` through the pg-backup-api. +


the return code to be used when exiting the patroni_barman application. Refer to ExitCode.

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