patroni.collections module

Patroni custom object types somewhat like collections module.

Provides a case insensitive dict and set object types.

class _patroni.collections.CaseInsensitiveDict(_data: Dict[ str, Any] | None = None) View on GitHub

Bases: MutableMapping[ str, Any] + A case-insensitive dict-like object. + Implements all methods and operations of MutableMapping as well as dict’s copy(). All keys are expected to be strings. The structure remembers the case of the last key to be set, and iter(), dict.keys(), dict.items(), dict.iterkeys(), and dict.iteritems() will contain case-sensitive keys. However, querying and contains testing is case insensitive. +

__init\\__(data: Dict[ str, Any] | None = None) → None View on GitHub

Create a new instance of CaseInsensitiveDict with the given data. +


data – initial dictionary to create a CaseInsensitiveDict from. +

abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>_


copy() → CaseInsensitiveDict View on GitHub

Create a copy of this dict. +


a new dict object with the same keys and values of this dict. +

keys() → KeysView[ str] View on GitHub

Return a new view of the dict’s keys. +


a set-like object providing a view on the dict’s keys

class _patroni.collections.CaseInsensitiveSet(_values: Collection[ str] | None = None) View on GitHub

Bases: MutableSet[ str] + A case-insensitive set-like object. + Implements all methods and operations of MutableSet. All values are expected to be strings. The structure remembers the case of the last value set, however, contains testing is case insensitive. +

__init\\__(values: Collection[ str] | None = None) → None View on GitHub

Create a new instance of CaseInsensitiveSet with the given values. +


values – values to be added to the set. +

abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>_


add(value: str) → None View on GitHub

Add value to this set. + Search is performed case-insensitively. If value is already in the set, overwrite it with value, so we “remember” the last case of value. +


value – value to be added to the set. +

discard(value: str) → None View on GitHub

Remove value from this set. + Search is performed case-insensitively. If value is not present in the set, no exception is raised. +


value – value to be removed from the set. +

issubset(other: CaseInsensitiveSet) → bool View on GitHub

Check if this set is a subset of other. +


other – another set to be compared with this set.


True if this set is a subset of other, else False.

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