PostGIS 3.4.3dev Manual


PostGIS 3.4.3dev Manual

~DEV ([.emphasis]#Fri 03 May 2024 03:25:39 AM UTC rev. 58bcf7f #)~

The PostGIS Development Group


PostGIS is an extension to the PostgreSQL object-relational database system which allows GIS (Geographic Information Systems) objects to be stored in the database. PostGIS includes support for GiST-based R-Tree spatial indexes, and functions for analysis and processing of GIS objects.

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This is the manual for version 3.4.3dev

ccbysa This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to use this material any way you like, but we ask that you attribute credit to the PostGIS Project and wherever possible, a link back to

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Introduction