reclassarg — A composite type used as input into the ST_Reclass function defining the behavior of reclassification.
A composite type used as input into the ST_Reclass function defining the behavior of reclassification.
- [.term]#`+nband +`[.type]#integer
The band number of band to reclassify.
- [.term]#`+reclassexpr +`[.type]#text
range expression consisting of comma delimited range:map_range mappings. : to define mapping that defines how to map old band values to new band values. ( means >, ) means less than, ] < or equal, [ means > or equal +
1. [a-b] = a <= x <= b
2. (a-b] = a < x <= b
3. [a-b) = a <= x < b
4. (a-b) = a < x < b
+ ( notation is optional so a-b means the same as (a-b) [.term]#_`+pixeltype +`_[.type]#text:: One of defined pixel types as described in link:RT_ST_BandPixelType.html[ST_BandPixelType] [.term]#_`+nodataval +`_[.type]#double precision:: Value to treat as no data. For image outputs that support transparency, these will be blank.
Example: Reclassify band 2 as an 8BUI where 255 is nodata value
SELECT ROW(2, '0-100:1-10, 101-500:11-150,501 - 10000: 151-254', '8BUI', 255)::reclassarg;
Example: Reclassify band 1 as an 1BB and no nodata value defined
SELECT ROW(1, '0-100]:0, (100-255:1', '1BB', NULL)::reclassarg;