pgBackRest User Guide - Debian & Ubuntu / PostgreSQL 12-13

1 Introduction

This user guide is intended to be followed sequentially from beginning to end — each section depends on the last. For example, the Backup section relies on setup that is performed in the Quick Start section. Once pgBackRest is up and running then skipping around is possible but following the user guide in order is recommended the first time through.

Although the examples are targeted at Debian/Ubuntu and PostgreSQL 12-13, it should be fairly easy to apply this guide to any Unix distribution and PostgreSQL version. The only OS-specific commands are those to create, start, stop, and drop PostgreSQL clusters. The pgBackRest commands will be the same on any Unix system though the location to install the executable may vary.

Configuration information and documentation for PostgreSQL can be found in the PostgreSQL Manual.

A somewhat novel approach is taken to documentation in this user guide. Each command is run on a virtual machine when the documentation is built from the XML source. This means you can have a high confidence that the commands work correctly in the order presented. Output is captured and displayed below the command when appropriate. If the output is not included it is because it was deemed not relevant or was considered a distraction from the narrative.

All commands are intended to be run as an unprivileged user that has sudo privileges for both the root and postgres users. It’s also possible to run the commands directly as their respective users without modification and in that case the sudo commands can be stripped off.

2 Concepts

The following concepts are defined as they are relevant to pgBackRest, PostgreSQL, and this user guide.

2.1 Backup

A backup is a consistent copy of a database cluster that can be restored to recover from a hardware failure, to perform Point-In-Time Recovery, or to bring up a new standby.

Full Backup: pgBackRest copies the entire contents of the database cluster to the backup. The first backup of the database cluster is always a Full Backup. pgBackRest is always able to restore a full backup directly. The full backup does not depend on any files outside of the full backup for consistency.

Differential Backup: pgBackRest copies only those database cluster files that have changed since the last full backup. pgBackRest restores a differential backup by copying all of the files in the chosen differential backup and the appropriate unchanged files from the previous full backup. The advantage of a differential backup is that it requires less disk space than a full backup, however, the differential backup and the full backup must both be valid to restore the differential backup.

Incremental Backup: pgBackRest copies only those database cluster files that have changed since the last backup (which can be another incremental backup, a differential backup, or a full backup). As an incremental backup only includes those files changed since the prior backup, they are generally much smaller than full or differential backups. As with the differential backup, the incremental backup depends on other backups to be valid to restore the incremental backup. Since the incremental backup includes only those files since the last backup, all prior incremental backups back to the prior differential, the prior differential backup, and the prior full backup must all be valid to perform a restore of the incremental backup. If no differential backup exists then all prior incremental backups back to the prior full backup, which must exist, and the full backup itself must be valid to restore the incremental backup.

2.2 Restore

A restore is the act of copying a backup to a system where it will be started as a live database cluster. A restore requires the backup files and one or more WAL segments in order to work correctly.

2.3 Write Ahead Log (WAL)

WAL is the mechanism that PostgreSQL uses to ensure that no committed changes are lost. Transactions are written sequentially to the WAL and a transaction is considered to be committed when those writes are flushed to disk. Afterwards, a background process writes the changes into the main database cluster files (also known as the heap). In the event of a crash, the WAL is replayed to make the database consistent.

WAL is conceptually infinite but in practice is broken up into individual 16MB files called segments. WAL segments follow the naming convention 0000000100000A1E000000FE where the first 8 hexadecimal digits represent the timeline and the next 16 digits are the logical sequence number (LSN).

2.4 Encryption

Encryption is the process of converting data into a format that is unrecognizable unless the appropriate password (also referred to as passphrase) is provided.

pgBackRest will encrypt the repository based on a user-provided password, thereby preventing unauthorized access to data stored within the repository.

3 Upgrading pgBackRest

3.1 Upgrading pgBackRest from v1 to v2

Upgrading from v1 to v2 is fairly straight-forward. The repository format has not changed and all non-deprecated options from v1 are accepted, so for most installations it is simply a matter of installing the new version.

However, there are a few caveats:

  • The deprecated thread-max option is no longer valid. Use process-max instead.

  • The deprecated archive-max-mb option is no longer valid. This has been replaced with the archive-push-queue-max option which has different semantics.

  • The default for the backup-user option has changed from backrest to pgbackrest.

  • In v2.02 the default location of the pgBackRest configuration file has changed from /etc/pgbackrest.conf to /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf. If /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf does not exist, the /etc/pgbackrest.conf file will be loaded instead, if it exists.

Many option names have changed to improve consistency although the old names from v1 are still accepted. In general, db- options have been renamed to *pg- and *backup-/*retention- options have been renamed to *repo-* when appropriate.

PostgreSQL and repository options must be indexed when using the new names introduced in v2, e.g. pg1-host, pg1-path, repo1-path, repo1-type, etc. Only one repository is allowed currently but more flexibility is planned for v2.

4 Build

Debian/Ubuntu packages for pgBackRest are available at If they are not provided for your distribution/version it is easy to download the source and install manually.

When building from source it is best to use a build host rather than building on production. Many of the tools required for the build should generally not be installed in production. pgBackRest consists of a single executable so it is easy to copy to a new host once it is built.

build Download version 2.34 of pgBackRest to pre-created /build path

wget -q -O - \ | \
       tar zx -C /build

build Install build dependencies

sudo apt-get install make gcc libpq-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev pkg-config \
       liblz4-dev libzstd-dev libbz2-dev libz-dev

build Configure and compile pgBackRest

cd /build/pgbackrest-release-2.34/src && ./configure && make

5 Installation

A new host named pg1 is created to contain the demo cluster and run pgBackRest examples.

pgBackRest needs to be installed from a package or installed manually as shown here.

build Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install postgresql-client libxml2

pg-primary Copy pgBackRest binary from build host

sudo scp build:/build/pgbackrest-release-2.34/src/pgbackrest /usr/bin
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/pgbackrest

pgBackRest requires log and configuration directories and a configuration file.

pg-primary Create pgBackRest configuration file and directories

sudo mkdir -p -m 770 /var/log/pgbackrest
sudo chown postgres:postgres /var/log/pgbackrest
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest/conf.d
sudo touch /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
sudo chmod 640 /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
sudo chown postgres:postgres /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf

pgBackRest should now be properly installed but it is best to check. If any dependencies were missed then you will get an error when running pgBackRest from the command line.

pg-primary Make sure the installation worked

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest
pgBackRest 2.34 General help

    pgbackrest [options] [command]

    archiveget     Get a WAL segment from the archive.
    archivepush    Push a WAL segment to the archive.
    backup          Backup a database cluster.
    check           Check the configuration.
    expire          Expire backups that exceed retention.
    help            Get help.
    info            Retrieve information about backups.
    repoget        Get a file from a repository.
    repols         List files in a repository.
    restore         Restore a database cluster.
    stanzacreate   Create the required stanza data.
    stanzadelete   Delete a stanza.
    stanzaupgrade  Upgrade a stanza.
    start           Allow pgBackRest processes to run.
    stop            Stop pgBackRest processes from running.
    version         Get version.

Use 'pgbackrest help [command]' for more information.

6 Quick Start

The Quick Start section will cover basic configuration of pgBackRest and PostgreSQL and introduce the backup, restore, and info commands.

6.1 Setup Demo Cluster

Creating the demo cluster is optional but is strongly recommended, especially for new users, since the example commands in the user guide reference the demo cluster; the examples assume the demo cluster is running on the default port (i.e. 5432). The cluster will not be started until a later section because there is still some configuration to do.

pg-primary Create the demo cluster

sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/initdb \
       -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo -k -A peer
sudo pg_createcluster 12 demo
Configuring already existing cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/12/demo, data: /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo, owner: 106:110)
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner    Data directory              Log file
12  demo    5432 down   postgres /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo /var/log/postgresql/postgresql12demo.log

By default PostgreSQL will only accept local connections. The examples in this guide will require connections from other servers so listen_addresses is configured to listen on all interfaces. This may not be appropriate for secure installations.

pg-primary:*/etc/postgresql/12/demo/postgresql.conf* Set listen_addresses

listen_addresses = '*'

For demonstration purposes the log_line_prefix setting will be minimally configured. This keeps the log output as brief as possible to better illustrate important information.

pg-primary:*/etc/postgresql/12/demo/postgresql.conf* Set log_line_prefix

listen_addresses = '*'
log_line_prefix = ''

6.2 Configure Cluster Stanza

A stanza is the configuration for a PostgreSQL database cluster that defines where it is located, how it will be backed up, archiving options, etc. Most db servers will only have one Postgres database cluster and therefore one stanza, whereas backup servers will have a stanza for every database cluster that needs to be backed up.

It is tempting to name the stanza after the primary cluster but a better name describes the databases contained in the cluster. Because the stanza name will be used for the primary and all replicas it is more appropriate to choose a name that describes the actual function of the cluster, such as app or dw, rather than the local cluster name, such as main or prod.

The name 'demo' describes the purpose of this cluster accurately so that will also make a good stanza name.

pgBackRest needs to know where the base data directory for the PostgreSQL cluster is located. The path can be requested from PostgreSQL directly but in a recovery scenario the PostgreSQL process will not be available. During backups the value supplied to pgBackRest will be compared against the path that PostgreSQL is running on and they must be equal or the backup will return an error. Make sure that pg-path is exactly equal to data_directory in postgresql.conf.

By default Debian/Ubuntu stores clusters in /var/lib/postgresql/[version]/[cluster] so it is easy to determine the correct path for the data directory.

When creating the /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf file, the database owner (usually postgres) must be granted read privileges.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure the PostgreSQL cluster data directory


pgBackRest configuration files follow the Windows INI convention. Sections are denoted by text in brackets and key/value pairs are contained in each section. Lines beginning with # are ignored and can be used as comments.

There are multiple ways the pgBackRest configuration files can be loaded:

  • config and config-include-path are default: the default config file will be loaded, if it exists, and *.conf files in the default config include path will be appended, if they exist.

  • config option is specified: only the specified config file will be loaded and is expected to exist.

  • config-include-path is specified: *.conf files in the config include path will be loaded and the path is required to exist. The default config file will be be loaded if it exists. If it is desirable to load only the files in the specified config include path, then the --no-config option can also be passed.

  • config and config-include-path are specified: using the user-specified values, the config file will be loaded and *.conf files in the config include path will be appended. The files are expected to exist.

  • config-path is specified: this setting will override the base path for the default location of the config file and/or the base path of the default config-include-path setting unless the config and/or config-include-path option is explicitly set.

The files are concatenated as if they were one big file; order doesn’t matter, but there is precedence based on sections. The precedence (highest to lowest) is:

  • [stanza:_command_]

  • [stanza]

  • [global:_command_]

  • [global]

--config, --config-include-path and --config-path are command-line only options.

pgBackRest can also be configured using environment variables as described in the command reference.

pg-primary Configure log-path using the environment

sudo -u postgres bash -c ' \
       export PGBACKREST_LOG_PATH=/path/set/by/env && \
       pgbackrest --log-level-console=error help backup log-path'
pgBackRest 2.34  'backup' command  'logpath' option help

Path where log files are stored.

The log path provides a location for pgBackRest to store log files. Note that
if loglevelfile=off then no log path is required.
current: /path/set/by/env
default: /var/log/pgbackrest

6.3 Create the Repository

The repository is where pgBackRest stores backups and archives WAL segments.

It may be difficult to estimate in advance how much space you’ll need. The best thing to do is take some backups then record the size of different types of backups (full/incr/diff) and measure the amount of WAL generated per day. This will give you a general idea of how much space you’ll need, though of course requirements will likely change over time as your database evolves.

For this demonstration the repository will be stored on the same host as the PostgreSQL server. This is the simplest configuration and is useful in cases where traditional backup software is employed to backup the database host.

pg-primary Create the pgBackRest repository

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/pgbackrest
sudo chmod 750 /var/lib/pgbackrest
sudo chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgbackrest

The repository path must be configured so pgBackRest knows where to find it.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure the pgBackRest repository path



Multiple repositories may also be configured. See Multiple Repositories for details.

6.4 Configure Archiving

Backing up a running PostgreSQL cluster requires WAL archiving to be enabled. Note that at least one WAL segment will be created during the backup process even if no explicit writes are made to the cluster.

pg-primary:*/etc/postgresql/12/demo/postgresql.conf* Configure archive settings

archive_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=demo archive-push %p'
archive_mode = on
listen_addresses = '*'
log_line_prefix = ''
max_wal_senders = 3
wal_level = replica

%p is how PostgreSQL specifies the location of the WAL segment to be archived. Setting wal_level to at least replica and increasing max_wal_senders is a good idea even if there are currently no replicas as this will allow them to be added later without restarting the primary cluster.

The PostgreSQL cluster must be restarted after making these changes and before performing a backup.

pg-primary Restart the demo cluster

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo restart

When archiving a WAL segment is expected to take more than 60 seconds (the default) to reach the pgBackRest repository, then the pgBackRest archive-timeout option should be increased. Note that this option is not the same as the PostgreSQL archive_timeout option which is used to force a WAL segment switch; useful for databases where there are long periods of inactivity. For more information on the PostgreSQL archive_timeout option, see PostgreSQL Write Ahead Log.

The archive-push command can be configured with its own options. For example, a lower compression level may be set to speed archiving without affecting the compression used for backups.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Config archive-push to use a lower compression level




This configuration technique can be used for any command and can even target a specific stanza, e.g. demo:archive-push.

6.5 Configure Retention

pgBackRest expires backups based on retention options.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure retention to 2 full backups




More information about retention can be found in the Retention section.

6.6 Configure Repository Encryption

The repository will be configured with a cipher type and key to demonstrate encryption. Encryption is always performed client-side even if the repository type (e.g. S3 or other object store) supports encryption.

It is important to use a long, random passphrase for the cipher key. A good way to generate one is to run: openssl rand -base64 48.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure pgBackRest repository encryption




Once the repository has been configured and the stanza created and checked, the repository encryption settings cannot be changed.

6.7 Create the Stanza

The stanza-create command must be run to initialize the stanza. It is recommended that the check command be run after stanza-create to ensure archiving and backups are properly configured.

pg-primary Create the stanza and check the configuration

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=info stanza-create
P00   INFO: stanzacreate command begin 2.34: execid=4038920cddb loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest stanza=demo
P00   INFO: stanzacreate for stanza 'demo' on repo1
P00   INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully

6.8 Check the Configuration

The check command validates that pgBackRest and the archive_command setting are configured correctly for archiving and backups for the specified stanza. It will attempt to check all repositories and databases that are configured for the host on which the command is run. It detects misconfigurations, particularly in archiving, that result in incomplete backups because required WAL segments did not reach the archive. The command can be run on the PostgreSQL or repository host. The command may also be run on the standby host, however, since pg_switch_xlog()/pg_switch_wal() cannot be performed on the standby, the command will only test the repository configuration.

Note that pg_create_restore_point('pgBackRest Archive Check') and pg_switch_xlog()/pg_switch_wal() are called to force PostgreSQL to archive a WAL segment. Restore points are only supported in PostgreSQL >= 9.1 so for older versions the check command may fail if there has been no write activity since the last log rotation, therefore it is recommended that activity be generated by the user if there have been no writes since the last WAL switch before running the check command.

pg-primary Check the configuration

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=info check
P00   INFO: check command begin 2.34: execid=4123b8b0fe2 loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest stanza=demo
P00   INFO: check repo1 configuration (primary)
P00   INFO: check repo1 archive for WAL (primary)
P00   INFO: WAL segment 000000010000000000000001 successfully archived to '/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive/demo/12-1/0000000100000000/000000010000000000000001-7bb0ccde7bc8019de9d3f19749fc2ac430c43fce.gz' on repo1
P00   INFO: check command end: completed successfully

6.9 Perform a Backup

To perform a backup of the PostgreSQL cluster run pgBackRest with the backup command.

pg-primary Backup the demo cluster

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo \
       --log-level-console=info backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.34: execid=422bff3e9f7 loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo
P00   WARN: no prior backup exists, incr backup has been changed to full
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_start_backup(): backup begins after the next regular checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000002, lsn = 0/2000028
       [filtered 973 lines of output]
P01   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/13201 (0B, 100%)
P01   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/13196 (0B, 100%)
P00   INFO: full backup size = 23.4MB
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments to archive
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000002, lsn = 0/2000138
       [filtered 4 lines of output]

By default pgBackRest will attempt to perform an incremental backup. However, an incremental backup must be based on a full backup and since no full backup existed pgBackRest ran a full backup instead.

The type option can be used to specify a full or differential backup.

pg-primary Differential backup of the demo cluster

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=diff \
       --log-level-console=info backup
       [filtered 4 lines of output]
P01   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/global/pg_control (8KB, 99%) checksum 95dadd2bbd9ac4f7af951e2a29ce0ed4b304b33b
P01   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/pg_logical/replorigin_checkpoint (8B, 100%) checksum 347fc8f2df71bd4436e38bd1516ccd7ea0d46532
P00   INFO: diff backup size = 8KB
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments to archive
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000003, lsn = 0/3000100
       [filtered 4 lines of output]

This time there was no warning because a full backup already existed. While incremental backups can be based on a full or differential backup, differential backups must be based on a full backup. A full backup can be performed by running the backup command with --type=full.

More information about the backup command can be found in the Backup section.

6.10 Schedule a Backup

Backups can be scheduled with utilities such as cron.

In the following example, two cron jobs are configured to run; full backups are scheduled for 6:30 AM every Sunday with differential backups scheduled for 6:30 AM Monday through Saturday. If this crontab is installed for the first time mid-week, then pgBackRest will run a full backup the first time the differential job is executed, followed the next day by a differential backup.

#m h   dom mon dow   command
30 06  *   *   0     pgbackrest --type=full --stanza=demo backup
30 06  *   *   1-6   pgbackrest --type=diff --stanza=demo backup

Once backups are scheduled it’s important to configure retention so backups are expired on a regular schedule, see Retention.

6.11 Backup Information

Use the info command to get information about backups.

pg-primary Get info for the demo cluster

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest info
stanza: demo
    status: ok
    cipher: aes256cbc

    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (12): 000000010000000000000001/000000010000000000000003
        full backup: 20210603-220623F
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:06:23 / 20210603 22:06:34
            wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000002 / 000000010000000000000002
            database size: 23.4MB, database backup size: 23.4MB
            repo1: backup set size: 2.8MB, backup size: 2.8MB
        diff backup: 20210603-220623F_20210603-220635D
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:06:35 / 20210603 22:06:37
            wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000003 / 000000010000000000000003
            database size: 23.4MB, database backup size: 8.3KB
            repo1: backup set size: 2.8MB, backup size: 480B
            backup reference list: 20210603220623F

The info command operates on a single stanza or all stanzas. Text output is the default and gives a human-readable summary of backups for the stanza(s) requested. This format is subject to change with any release.

For machine-readable output use --output=json. The JSON output contains far more information than the text output and is kept stable unless a bug is found.

Each stanza has a separate section and it is possible to limit output to a single stanza with the --stanza option. The stanza 'status' gives a brief indication of the stanza’s health. If this is 'ok' then pgBackRest is functioning normally. If there are multiple repositories, then a status of 'mixed' indicates that the stanza is not in a healthy state on one or more of the repositories; in this case the state of the stanza will be detailed per repository. For cases in which an error on a repository occurred that is not one of the known error codes, then an error code of 'other' will be used and the full error details will be provided. The 'wal archive min/max' shows the minimum and maximum WAL currently stored in the archive and, in the case of multiple repositories, will be reported across all repositories unless the --repo option is set. Note that there may be gaps due to archive retention policies or other reasons.

The 'backup/expire running' message will appear beside the 'status' information if one of those commands is currently running on the host.

The backups are displayed oldest to newest. The oldest backup will always be a full backup (indicated by an F at the end of the label) but the newest backup can be full, differential (ends with D), or incremental (ends with I).

The 'timestamp start/stop' defines the time period when the backup ran. The 'timestamp stop' can be used to determine the backup to use when performing Point-In-Time Recovery. More information about Point-In-Time Recovery can be found in the Point-In-Time Recovery section.

The 'wal start/stop' defines the WAL range that is required to make the database consistent when restoring. The backup command will ensure that this WAL range is in the archive before completing.

The 'database size' is the full uncompressed size of the database while 'database backup size' is the amount of data in the database to actually back up (these will be the same for full backups).

The 'repo' indicates in which repository this backup resides. The 'backup set size' includes all the files from this backup and any referenced backups in the repository that are required to restore the database from this backup while 'backup size' includes only the files in this backup (these will also be the same for full backups). Repository sizes reflect compressed file sizes if compression is enabled in pgBackRest or the filesystem.

The 'backup reference list' contains the additional backups that are required to restore this backup.

6.12 Restore a Backup

Backups can protect you from a number of disaster scenarios, the most common of which are hardware failure and data corruption. The easiest way to simulate data corruption is to remove an important PostgreSQL cluster file.

pg-primary Stop the demo cluster and delete the pg_control file

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres rm /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/global/pg_control

Starting the cluster without this important file will result in an error.

pg-primary Attempt to start the corrupted demo cluster

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start
Error: /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/pg_ctl /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/pg_ctl start D /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo l /var/log/postgresql/postgresql12demo.log s o  c config_file="/etc/postgresql/12/demo/postgresql.conf"  exited with status 1:
postgres: could not find the database system
Expected to find it in the directory "/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo",
but could not open file "/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/global/pg_control": No such file or directory
Examine the log output.

To restore a backup of the PostgreSQL cluster run pgBackRest with the restore command. The cluster needs to be stopped (in this case it is already stopped) and all files must be removed from the PostgreSQL data directory.

pg-primary Remove old files from demo cluster

sudo -u postgres find /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo -mindepth 1 -delete

pg-primary Restore the demo cluster and start PostgreSQL

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo restore
sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start

This time the cluster started successfully since the restore replaced the missing pg_control file.

More information about the restore command can be found in the Restore section.

7 Backup

The Backup section introduces additional backup command features not covered in the Quick Start - Perform a Backup section.

7.1 Fast Start Option

By default pgBackRest will wait for the next regularly scheduled checkpoint before starting a backup. Depending on the checkpoint_timeout and checkpoint_segments settings in PostgreSQL it may be quite some time before a checkpoint completes and the backup can begin.

pg-primary Incremental backup of the demo cluster with the regularly scheduled checkpoint

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=incr \
       --log-level-console=info backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.34: execid=5652cc49aa0 loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo type=incr
P00   INFO: last backup label = 20210603220623F_20210603220635D, version = 2.34
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_start_backup(): backup begins after the next regular checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000020000000000000005, lsn = 0/5000028
P00   WARN: a timeline switch has occurred since the 20210603220623F_20210603220635D backup, enabling delta checksum
       [filtered 10 lines of output]

When --start-fast is passed on the command-line or start-fast=y is set in /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf an immediate checkpoint is requested and the backup will start more quickly. This is convenient for testing and for ad-hoc backups. For instance, if a backup is being taken at the beginning of a release window it makes no sense to wait for a checkpoint. Since regularly scheduled backups generally only happen once per day it is unlikely that enabling the start-fast in /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf will negatively affect performance, however for high-volume transactional systems you may want to pass --start-fast on the command-line instead. Alternately, it is possible to override the setting in the configuration file by passing --no-start-fast on the command-line.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Enable the start-fast option




pg-primary Incremental backup of the demo cluster with an immediate checkpoint

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=incr \
       --log-level-console=info backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.34: execid=597a5c8ce8f loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo startfast type=incr
P00   INFO: last backup label = 20210603220623F_20210603220653I, version = 2.34
P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive pg_start_backup(): backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000020000000000000006, lsn = 0/6000028
P01   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/global/pg_control (8KB, 99%) checksum f9cbc40a3c62b88edf6b611dba54bbb85c066d25
       [filtered 8 lines of output]

7.2 Archive Timeout

During an online backup pgBackRest waits for WAL segments that are required for backup consistency to be archived. This wait time is governed by the pgBackRest archive-timeout option which defaults to 60 seconds. If archiving an individual segment is known to take longer then this option should be increased.

8 Monitoring

Monitoring is an important part of any production system. There are many tools available and pgBackRest can be monitored on any of them with a little work.

pgBackRest can output information about the repository in JSON format which includes a list of all backups for each stanza and WAL archive info.

8.1 In PostgreSQL

The PostgreSQL COPY command allows pgBackRest info to be loaded into a table. The following example wraps that logic in a function that can be used to perform real-time queries.

pg-primary Load pgBackRest info function for PostgreSQL

sudo -u postgres cat \
 An example of monitoring pgBackRest from within PostgreSQL

 Use copy to export data from the pgBackRest info command into the jsonb
 type so it can be queried directly by PostgreSQL.

 Create monitor schema
create schema monitor;

 Get pgBackRest info in JSON format
create function monitor.pgbackrest_info()
    returns jsonb AS $$
    data jsonb;
     Create a temp table to hold the JSON data
    create temp table temp_pgbackrest_data (data jsonb);

     Copy data into the table directly from the pgBackRest info command
    copy temp_pgbackrest_data (data)
        from program
            'pgbackrest output=json info' (format text);

      into data
      from temp_pgbackrest_data;

    drop table temp_pgbackrest_data;

    return data;
end $$ language plpgsql;
sudo -u postgres psql -f \

Now the monitor.pgbackrest_info() function can be used to determine the last successful backup time and archived WAL for a stanza.

pg-primary Query last successful backup time and archived WAL

sudo -u postgres cat \
 Get last successful backup for each stanza

 Requires the monitor.pgbackrest_info function.
with stanza as
    select data>'name' as name,
               jsonb_array_length(data>'backup')  1) as last_backup,
               jsonb_array_length(data>'archive')  1) as current_archive
      from jsonb_array_elements(monitor.pgbackrest_info()) as data
select name,
           (last_backup>'timestamp'>>'stop')::numeric) as last_successful_backup,
       current_archive>>'max' as last_archived_wal
  from stanza;
sudo -u postgres psql -f \
  name  | last_successful_backup |    last_archived_wal
 "demo" | 20210603 22:06:58+00 | 000000020000000000000006
(1 row)

8.2 Using jq

jq is a command-line utility that can easily extract data from JSON.

pg-primary Install jq utility

sudo apt-get install jq

Now jq can be used to query the last successful backup time for a stanza.

pg-primary Query last successful backup time

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --output=json --stanza=demo info | \
       jq '.[0] | .backup[-1] | .timestamp.stop'

Or the last archived WAL.

pg-primary Query last archived WAL

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --output=json --stanza=demo info | \
       jq '.[0] | .archive[-1] | .max'

This syntax requires jq v1.5.

jq may round large numbers such as system identifiers. Test your queries carefully.

9 Retention

Generally it is best to retain as many backups as possible to provide a greater window for Point-in-Time Recovery, but practical concerns such as disk space must also be considered. Retention options remove older backups once they are no longer needed.

pgBackRest does full backup rotation based on the retention type which can be a count or a time period. When a count is specified, then expiration is not concerned with when the backups were created but with how many must be retained. Differential and Incremental backups are count-based but will always be expired when the backup they depend on is expired. See sections Full Backup Retention and Differential Backup Retention for details and examples. Archived WAL is retained by default for backups that have not expired, however, although not recommended, this schedule can be modified per repository with the retention-archive options. See section Archive Retention for details and examples.

The expire command is run automatically after each successful backup and can also be run by the user. When run by the user, expiration will occur as defined by the retention settings for each configured repository. If the --repo option is provided, expiration will occur only on the specified repository. Expiration can also be limited by the user to a specific backup set with the --set option and, unless the --repo option is specified, all repositories will be searched and any matching the set criteria will be expired. It should be noted that the archive retention schedule will be checked and performed any time the expire command is run.

9.1 Full Backup Retention

The repo1-retention-full-type determines how the option repo1-retention-full is interpreted; either as the count of full backups to be retained or how many days to retain full backups. New backups must be completed before expiration will occur — that means if repo1-retention-full-type=count and repo1-retention-full=2 then there will be three full backups stored before the oldest one is expired, or if repo1-retention-full-type=time and repo1-retention-full=20 then there must be one full backup that is at least 20 days old before expiration can occur.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure repo1-retention-full




Backup repo1-retention-full=2 but currently there is only one full backup so the next full backup to run will not expire any full backups.

pg-primary Perform a full backup

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=full \
       --log-level-console=detail backup
       [filtered 984 lines of output]
P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.34: execid=75398168b6f loglevelconsole=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo
P00 DETAIL: repo1: 12-1 archive retention on backup 20210603-220623F, start = 000000010000000000000002
P00   INFO: repo1: 12-1 remove archive, start = 000000010000000000000001, stop = 000000010000000000000001
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

Archive is expired because WAL segments were generated before the oldest backup. These are not useful for recovery — only WAL segments generated after a backup can be used to recover that backup.

pg-primary Perform a full backup

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=full \
       --log-level-console=info backup
       [filtered 983 lines of output]
P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.34: execid=782769b742c loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo
P00   INFO: repo1: expire full backup set 20210603-220623F, 20210603-220623F_20210603-220635D, 20210603-220623F_20210603-220653I, 20210603-220623F_20210603-220657I
P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20210603220623F_20210603220657I
P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20210603220623F_20210603220653I
P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20210603220623F_20210603220635D
P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20210603220623F
P00   INFO: repo1: 12-1 remove archive, start = 0000000100000000, stop = 000000020000000000000007
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

The 20210603-220623F full backup is expired and archive retention is based on the 20210603-220703F which is now the oldest full backup.

9.2 Differential Backup Retention

Set repo1-retention-diff to the number of differential backups required. Differentials only rely on the prior full backup so it is possible to create a “rolling” set of differentials for the last day or more. This allows quick restores to recent points-in-time but reduces overall space consumption.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure repo1-retention-diff




Backup repo1-retention-diff=1 so two differentials will need to be performed before one is expired. An incremental backup is added to demonstrate incremental expiration. Incremental backups cannot be expired independently — they are always expired with their related full or differential backup.

pg-primary Perform differential and incremental backups

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=diff backup
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=incr backup

Now performing a differential backup will expire the previous differential and incremental backups leaving only one differential backup.

pg-primary Perform a differential backup

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=diff \
       --log-level-console=info backup
       [filtered 11 lines of output]
P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.34: execid=8560c25386b loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentiondiff=1 repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo
P00   INFO: repo1: expire diff backup set 20210603-220715F_20210603-220729D, 20210603-220715F_20210603-220732I
P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20210603220715F_20210603220732I
P00   INFO: repo1: remove expired backup 20210603220715F_20210603220729D
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

9.3 Archive Retention

Although pgBackRest automatically removes archived WAL segments when expiring backups (the default expires WAL for full backups based on the repo1-retention-full option), it may be useful to expire archive more aggressively to save disk space. Note that full backups are treated as differential backups for the purpose of differential archive retention.

Expiring archive will never remove WAL segments that are required to make a backup consistent. However, since Point-in-Time-Recovery (PITR) only works on a continuous WAL stream, care should be taken when aggressively expiring archive outside of the normal backup expiration process. To determine what will be expired without actually expiring anything, the dry-run option can be provided on the command line with the expire command.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure repo1-retention-diff




pg-primary Perform differential backup

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=diff \
       --log-level-console=info backup
       [filtered 8 lines of output]
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 00000002000000000000000F, lsn = 0/F000100
P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 00000002000000000000000F:00000002000000000000000F
P00   INFO: new backup label = 20210603-220715F_20210603-220738D
P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.34: execid=9145911bbdf loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentiondiff=2 repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

pg-primary Expire archive

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=detail \
       --repo1-retention-archive-type=diff --repo1-retention-archive=1 expire
P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.34: execid=938172d0dde loglevelconsole=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo1retentionarchive=1 repo1retentionarchivetype=diff repo1retentiondiff=2 repo1retentionfull=2 stanza=demo
P00 DETAIL: repo1: 121 archive retention on backup 20210603220703F, start = 000000020000000000000008, stop = 000000020000000000000008
P00 DETAIL: repo1: 121 archive retention on backup 20210603220715F, start = 000000020000000000000009, stop = 000000020000000000000009
P00 DETAIL: repo1: 12-1 archive retention on backup 20210603-220715F_20210603-220735D, start = 00000002000000000000000C, stop = 00000002000000000000000C
P00 DETAIL: repo1: 121 archive retention on backup 20210603220715F_20210603220738D, start = 00000002000000000000000F
P00   INFO: repo1: 12-1 remove archive, start = 00000002000000000000000A, stop = 00000002000000000000000B
P00   INFO: repo1: 12-1 remove archive, start = 00000002000000000000000D, stop = 00000002000000000000000E
P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully

The 20210603-220715F_20210603-220735D differential backup has archived WAL segments that must be retained to make the older backups consistent even though they cannot be played any further forward with PITR. WAL segments generated after 20210603-220715F_20210603-220735D but before 20210603-220715F_20210603-220738D are removed. WAL segments generated after the new backup 20210603-220715F_20210603-220738D remain and can be used for PITR.

Since full backups are considered differential backups for the purpose of differential archive retention, if a full backup is now performed with the same settings, only the archive for that full backup is retained for PITR.

10 Restore

The restore command automatically defaults to selecting the latest backup from the first repository where backups exist (see Quick Start - Restore a Backup). The order in which the repositories are checked is dictated by the pgbackrest.conf (e.g. repo1 will be checked before repo2). To select from a specific repository, the --repo option can be passed (e.g. --repo=1). The --set option can be passed if a backup other than the latest is desired.

For PITR, --type=time must be provided and the target time specified with the --target option. If a backup is not specified via the --set option, then the configured repositories will be checked, in order, for a backup that contains the requested time. If no backup can be found, the latest backup from the first repository containing backups will be used. See Point-in-Time Recovery for more details and examples.

The following sections introduce additional restore command features.

10.1 File Ownership

If a restore is run as a non-root user (the typical scenario) then all files restored will belong to the user/group executing pgBackRest. If existing files are not owned by the executing user/group then an error will result if the ownership cannot be updated to the executing user/group. In that case the file ownership will need to be updated by a privileged user before the restore can be retried.

If a restore is run as the root user then pgBackRest will attempt to recreate the ownership recorded in the manifest when the backup was made. Only user/group names are stored in the manifest so the same names must exist on the restore host for this to work. If the user/group name cannot be found locally then the user/group of the PostgreSQL data directory will be used and finally root if the data directory user/group cannot be mapped to a name.

10.2 Delta Option

Restore a Backup in Quick Start required the database cluster directory to be cleaned before the restore could be performed. The delta option allows pgBackRest to automatically determine which files in the database cluster directory can be preserved and which ones need to be restored from the backup — it also removes files not present in the backup manifest so it will dispose of divergent changes. This is accomplished by calculating a SHA-1 cryptographic hash for each file in the database cluster directory. If the SHA-1 hash does not match the hash stored in the backup then that file will be restored. This operation is very efficient when combined with the process-max option. Since the PostgreSQL server is shut down during the restore, a larger number of processes can be used than might be desirable during a backup when the PostgreSQL server is running.

pg-primary Stop the demo cluster, perform delta restore

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta \
       --log-level-console=detail restore
       [filtered 2 lines of output]
P00 DETAIL: check '/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo' exists
P00 DETAIL: remove 'global/pg_control' so cluster will not start if restore does not complete
P00   INFO: remove invalid files/links/paths from '/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo'
P00 DETAIL: remove invalid file '/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/backup_label.old'
P00 DETAIL: remove invalid file '/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/pg_internal.init'
       [filtered 815 lines of output]
P01 DETAIL: restore file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13358/PG_VERSION  exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum ad552e6dc057d1d825bf49df79d6b98eba846ebe
P01 DETAIL: restore file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/PG_VERSION  exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum ad552e6dc057d1d825bf49df79d6b98eba846ebe
P01 DETAIL: restore file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 100%) checksum ad552e6dc057d1d825bf49df79d6b98eba846ebe
P01 DETAIL: restore file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/global/6100  exists and is zero size (0B, 100%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/global/6000  exists and is zero size (0B, 100%)
       [filtered 201 lines of output]

pg-primary Restart PostgreSQL

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start

10.3 Restore Selected Databases

There may be cases where it is desirable to selectively restore specific databases from a cluster backup. This could be done for performance reasons or to move selected databases to a machine that does not have enough space to restore the entire cluster backup.

To demonstrate this feature two databases are created: test1 and test2.

pg-primary Create two test databases

sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database test1;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database test2;"

Each test database will be seeded with tables and data to demonstrate that recovery works with selective restore.

pg-primary Create a test table in each database

sudo -u postgres psql -c "create table test1_table (id int); \
       insert into test1_table (id) values (1);" test1
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create table test2_table (id int); \
       insert into test2_table (id) values (2);" test2

A fresh backup is run so pgBackRest is aware of the new databases.

pg-primary Perform a backup

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=incr backup

One of the main reasons to use selective restore is to save space. The size of the test1 database is shown here so it can be compared with the disk utilization after a selective restore.

pg-primary Show space used by test1 database

sudo -u postgres du -sh /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/24576
7.8M /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/24576

If the database to restore is not known, use the info command set option to discover databases that are part of the backup set.

pg-primary Show database list for backup

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo \
       --set=20210603-220715F_20210603-220747I info
       [filtered 11 lines of output]
            repo1: backup set size: 4.7MB, backup size: 1.9MB
            backup reference list: 20210603220715F, 20210603220715F_20210603220738D
            database list: postgres (13359), test1 (24576), test2 (24577)

Stop the cluster and restore only the test2 database. Built-in databases (template0, template1, and postgres) are always restored.

Recovery may error unless --type=immediate is specified. This is because after consistency is reached PostgreSQL will flag zeroed pages as errors even for a full-page write. For PostgreSQL13 the ignore_invalid_pages setting may be used to ignore invalid pages. In this case it is important to check the logs after recovery to ensure that no invalid pages were reported in the selected databases.

pg-primary Restore from last backup including only the test2 database

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta \
       --db-include=test2 --type=immediate --target-action=promote restore
sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start

Once recovery is complete the test2 database will contain all previously created tables and data.

pg-primary Demonstrate that the test2 database was recovered

sudo -u postgres psql -c "select * from test2_table;" test2

(1 row)

The test1 database, despite successful recovery, is not accessible. This is because the entire database was restored as sparse, zeroed files. PostgreSQL can successfully apply WAL on the zeroed files but the database as a whole will not be valid because key files contain no data. This is purposeful to prevent the database from being accidentally used when it might contain partial data that was applied during WAL replay.

pg-primary Attempting to connect to the test1 database will produce an error

sudo -u postgres psql -c "select * from test1_table;" test1
psql: error: FATAL:  relation mapping file "base/24576/" contains invalid data

Since the test1 database is restored with sparse, zeroed files it will only require as much space as the amount of WAL that is written during recovery. While the amount of WAL generated during a backup and applied during recovery can be significant it will generally be a small fraction of the total database size, especially for large databases where this feature is most likely to be useful.

It is clear that the test1 database uses far less disk space during the selective restore than it would have if the entire database had been restored.

pg-primary Show space used by test1 database after recovery

sudo -u postgres du -sh /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/24576
16K    /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/24576

At this point the only action that can be taken on the invalid test1 database is drop database. pgBackRest does not automatically drop the database since this cannot be done until recovery is complete and the cluster is accessible.

pg-primary Drop the test1 database

sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database test1;"

Now that the invalid test1 database has been dropped only the test2 and built-in databases remain.

pg-primary List remaining databases

sudo -u postgres psql -c "select oid, datname from pg_database order by oid;"
  oid  |  datname
     1 | template1
 13358 | template0
 13359 | postgres
 24577 | test2
(4 rows)

11 Point-in-Time Recovery

Restore a Backup in Quick Start performed default recovery, which is to play all the way to the end of the WAL stream. In the case of a hardware failure this is usually the best choice but for data corruption scenarios (whether machine or human in origin) Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) is often more appropriate.

Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) allows the WAL to be played from the last backup to a specified time, transaction id, or recovery point. For common recovery scenarios time-based recovery is arguably the most useful. A typical recovery scenario is to restore a table that was accidentally dropped or data that was accidentally deleted. Recovering a dropped table is more dramatic so that’s the example given here but deleted data would be recovered in exactly the same way.

pg-primary Backup the demo cluster and create a table with very important data

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=diff backup
sudo -u postgres psql -c "begin; \
       create table important_table (message text); \
       insert into important_table values ('Important Data'); \
       commit; \
       select * from important_table;"
 Important Data
(1 row)

It is important to represent the time as reckoned by PostgreSQL and to include timezone offsets. This reduces the possibility of unintended timezone conversions and an unexpected recovery result.

pg-primary Get the time from PostgreSQL

sudo -u postgres psql -Atc "select current_timestamp"
20210603 22:08:10.017082+00

Now that the time has been recorded the table is dropped. In practice finding the exact time that the table was dropped is a lot harder than in this example. It may not be possible to find the exact time, but some forensic work should be able to get you close.

pg-primary Drop the important table

sudo -u postgres psql -c "begin; \
       drop table important_table; \
       commit; \
       select * from important_table;"
ERROR:  relation "important_table" does not exist
LINE 1: ...le important_table;     commit;     select * from important_...

Now the restore can be performed with time-based recovery to bring back the missing table.

pg-primary Stop PostgreSQL, restore the demo cluster to 2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00, and display

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta \
       --type=time "--target=2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00" \
       --target-action=promote restore
sudo -u postgres cat /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/
       [filtered 14 lines of output]
# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:08:12
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'
recovery_target_time = '2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00'
recovery_target_action = 'promote'

pgBackRest has automatically generated the recovery settings in so PostgreSQL can be started immediately. %f is how PostgreSQL specifies the WAL segment it needs and %p is the location where it should be copied. Once PostgreSQL has finished recovery the table will exist again and can be queried.

pg-primary Start PostgreSQL and check that the important table exists

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start
sudo -u postgres psql -c "select * from important_table"
 Important Data
(1 row)

The PostgreSQL log also contains valuable information. It will indicate the time and transaction where the recovery stopped and also give the time of the last transaction to be applied.

pg-primary Examine the PostgreSQL log output

sudo -u postgres cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-demo.log
       [filtered 3 lines of output]
LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 20210603 22:08:04 UTC
LOG:  starting point-in-time recovery to 2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00
LOG:  restored log file "00000004.history" from archive
LOG:  restored log file "000000040000000000000012" from archive
       [filtered 2 lines of output]
LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections
LOG:  restored log file "000000040000000000000013" from archive
LOG:  recovery stopping before commit of transaction 495, time 2021-06-03 22:08:11.323368+00
LOG:  redo done at 0/13019DD8
LOG:  last completed transaction was at log time 2021-06-03 22:08:08.70266+00
LOG:  selected new timeline ID: 5
LOG:  archive recovery complete
       [filtered 2 lines of output]

This example was rigged to give the correct result. If a backup after the required time is chosen then PostgreSQL will not be able to recover the lost table. PostgreSQL can only play forward, not backward. To demonstrate this the important table must be dropped (again).

pg-primary Drop the important table (again)

sudo -u postgres psql -c "begin; \
       drop table important_table; \
       commit; \
       select * from important_table;"
ERROR:  relation "important_table" does not exist
LINE 1: ...le important_table;     commit;     select * from important_...

Now take a new backup and attempt recovery from the new backup by specifying the --set option. The info command can be used to find the new backup label.

pg-primary Perform a backup and get backup info

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=incr backup
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest info
stanza: demo
    status: ok
    cipher: aes256cbc

    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (12): 000000020000000000000008/000000050000000000000014

        full backup: 20210603220703F
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:07:03 / 20210603 22:07:14
            wal start/stop: 000000020000000000000008 / 000000020000000000000008
            database size: 23.4MB, database backup size: 23.4MB
            repo1: backup set size: 2.8MB, backup size: 2.8MB

        full backup: 20210603220715F
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:07:15 / 20210603 22:07:27
            wal start/stop: 000000020000000000000009 / 000000020000000000000009
            database size: 23.4MB, database backup size: 23.4MB
            repo1: backup set size: 2.8MB, backup size: 2.8MB

        diff backup: 20210603220715F_20210603220738D
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:07:38 / 20210603 22:07:39
            wal start/stop: 00000002000000000000000F / 00000002000000000000000F
            database size: 23.4MB, database backup size: 8.3KB
            repo1: backup set size: 2.8MB, backup size: 496B
            backup reference list: 20210603220715F

        incr backup: 20210603220715F_20210603220747I
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:07:47 / 20210603 22:07:56
            wal start/stop: 000000030000000000000011 / 000000030000000000000011
            database size: 38.6MB, database backup size: 15.8MB
            repo1: backup set size: 4.7MB, backup size: 1.9MB
            backup reference list: 20210603220715F, 20210603220715F_20210603220738D

        diff backup: 20210603220715F_20210603220803D
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:08:03 / 20210603 22:08:08
            wal start/stop: 000000040000000000000012 / 000000040000000000000012
            database size: 31MB, database backup size: 8.2MB
            repo1: backup set size: 3.8MB, backup size: 1009KB
            backup reference list: 20210603220715F
        incr backup: 20210603-220715F_20210603-220818I
            timestamp start/stop: 20210603 22:08:18 / 20210603 22:08:20
            wal start/stop: 000000050000000000000014 / 000000050000000000000014
            database size: 31MB, database backup size: 2.2MB
            repo1: backup set size: 3.8MB, backup size: 234KB
            backup reference list: 20210603220715F, 20210603220715F_20210603220803D

pg-primary Attempt recovery from the specified backup

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta \
       --set=20210603-220715F_20210603-220818I \
       --type=time "--target=2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00" --target-action=promote restore
sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start
sudo -u postgres psql -c "select * from important_table"
ERROR:  relation "important_table" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from important_table

Looking at the log output it’s not obvious that recovery failed to restore the table. The key is to look for the presence of the “recovery stopping before…​” and “last completed transaction…​” log messages. If they are not present then the recovery to the specified point-in-time was not successful.

pg-primary Examine the PostgreSQL log output to discover the recovery was not successful

sudo -u postgres cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-demo.log
       [filtered 3 lines of output]
LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 20210603 22:08:18 UTC
LOG:  starting point-in-time recovery to 2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00
LOG:  restored log file "00000005.history" from archive
LOG:  restored log file "000000050000000000000014" from archive
LOG:  redo starts at 0/14000028
LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at 0/14000100
LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections
LOG:  redo done at 0/14000100
       [filtered 7 lines of output]

The default behavior for time-based restore, if the --set option is not specified, is to attempt to discover an earlier backup to play forward from. If a backup set cannot be found, then restore will default to the latest backup which, as shown earlier, may not give the desired result.

pg-primary Stop PostgreSQL, restore from auto-selected backup, and start PostgreSQL

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta \
       --type=time "--target=2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00" \
       --target-action=promote restore
sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start
sudo -u postgres psql -c "select * from important_table"
 Important Data
(1 row)

Now the the log output will contain the expected “recovery stopping before…​” and “last completed transaction…​” messages showing that the recovery was successful.

pg-primary Examine the PostgreSQL log output for log messages indicating success

sudo -u postgres cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-demo.log
       [filtered 5 lines of output]
LOG:  restored log file "00000005.history" from archive
LOG:  restored log file "00000006.history" from archive
LOG:  starting point-in-time recovery to 2021-06-03 22:08:10.017082+00
LOG:  restored log file "00000006.history" from archive
LOG:  restored log file "000000040000000000000012" from archive
       [filtered 4 lines of output]
LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections
LOG:  restored log file "000000050000000000000013" from archive
LOG:  recovery stopping before commit of transaction 496, time 2021-06-03 22:08:17.693808+00
LOG:  redo done at 0/13022408
LOG:  last completed transaction was at log time 2021-06-03 22:08:08.70266+00
LOG:  selected new timeline ID: 7
LOG:  archive recovery complete
       [filtered 2 lines of output]

12 Multiple Repositories

Multiple repositories may be configured as demonstrated in S3 Support. A potential benefit is the ability to have a local repository for fast restores and a remote repository for redundancy.

Some commands, e.g. stanza-create/stanza-upgrade, will automatically work with all configured repositories while others, e.g. stanza-delete, will require a repository to be specified using the repo option. See the command reference for details on which commands require the repository to be specified.

Note that the repo option is not required when only repo1 is configured in order to maintain backward compatibility. However, the repo option is required when a single repo is configured as, e.g. repo2. This is to prevent command breakage if a new repository is added later.

The archive-push command will always push WAL to the archive in all configured repositories but backups will need to be scheduled individually for each repository. In many cases this is desirable since backup types and retention will vary by repository. Likewise, restores must specify a repository. It is generally better to specify a repository for restores that has low latency/cost even if that means more recovery time. Only restore testing can determine which repository will be most efficient.

13 Azure-Compatible Object Store Support

pgBackRest supports locating repositories in Azure-compatible object stores. The container used to store the repository must be created in advance — pgBackRest will not do it automatically. The repository can be located in the container root (/) but it’s usually best to place it in a subpath so object store logs or other data can also be stored in the container without conflicts.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure Azure




Shared access signatures may be used by setting the repo2-azure-key-type option to sas and the repo2-azure-key option to the shared access signature token.

Commands are run exactly as if the repository were stored on a local disk.

pg-primary Create the stanza

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=info stanza-create
       [filtered 2 lines of output]
P00   INFO: stanza 'demo' already exists on repo1 and is valid
P00   INFO: stanzacreate for stanza 'demo' on repo2
P00   INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully

File creation time in object stores is relatively slow so commands benefit by increasing process-max to parallelize file creation.

pg-primary Backup the demo cluster

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --repo=2 \
       --log-level-console=info backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.34: execid=1783574b6d87 loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo processmax=4 repo=2 repo2azureaccount= repo2azurecontainer=democontainer repo2azurekey= repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo2path=/demorepo repo1retentiondiff=2 repo1retentionfull=2 repo2retentionfull=4 repo2type=azure stanza=demo startfast
P00   WARN: no prior backup exists, incr backup has been changed to full
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_start_backup(): backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000070000000000000014, lsn = 0/14000028
       [filtered 1279 lines of output]
P04   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/13211 (0B, 100%)
P02   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/13196 (0B, 100%)
P00   INFO: full backup size = 31MB
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments to archive
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000070000000000000014, lsn = 0/14000100
       [filtered 4 lines of output]

14 S3-Compatible Object Store Support

pgBackRest supports locating repositories in S3-compatible object stores. The bucket used to store the repository must be created in advance — pgBackRest will not do it automatically. The repository can be located in the bucket root (/) but it’s usually best to place it in a subpath so object store logs or other data can also be stored in the bucket without conflicts.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure S3




The region and endpoint will need to be configured to where the bucket is located. The values given here are for the us-east-1 region.

A role should be created to run pgBackRest and the bucket permissions should be set as restrictively as possible. If the role is associated with an instance in AWS then pgBackRest will automatically retrieve temporary credentials when repo3-s3-key-type=auto, which means that keys do not need to be explicitly set in /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf.

This sample Amazon S3 policy will restrict all reads and writes to the bucket and repository path.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
                    "s3:delimiter": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Commands are run exactly as if the repository were stored on a local disk.

pg-primary Create the stanza

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=info stanza-create
       [filtered 4 lines of output]
P00   INFO: stanza 'demo' already exists on repo2 and is valid
P00   INFO: stanzacreate for stanza 'demo' on repo3
P00   INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully

File creation time in object stores is relatively slow so commands benefit by increasing process-max to parallelize file creation.

pg-primary Backup the demo cluster

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --repo=3 \
       --log-level-console=info backup
P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.34: execid=184642b9b846 loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo processmax=4 repo=3 repo2azureaccount= repo2azurecontainer=democontainer repo2azurekey= repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo2path=/demorepo repo3path=/demorepo repo1retentiondiff=2 repo1retentionfull=2 repo2retentionfull=4 repo3retentionfull=4 repo3s3bucket=demobucket repo3s3key= repo3s3keysecret= repo3s3region=useast1 repo2type=azure repo3type=s3 stanza=demo startfast
P00   WARN: no prior backup exists, incr backup has been changed to full
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_start_backup(): backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000070000000000000016, lsn = 0/16000028
       [filtered 1279 lines of output]
P01   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/13201 (0B, 100%)
P02   INFO: backup file /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/1/13196 (0B, 100%)
P00   INFO: full backup size = 31MB
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_stop_backup() and wait for all WAL segments to archive
P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000070000000000000016, lsn = 0/16000100
       [filtered 4 lines of output]

15 GCS-Compatible Object Store Support

pgBackRest supports locating repositories in GCS-compatible object stores. The bucket used to store the repository must be created in advance — pgBackRest will not do it automatically. The repository can be located in the bucket root (/) but it’s usually best to place it in a subpath so object store logs or other data can also be stored in the bucket without conflicts.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure GCS




When running in GCE set repo4-gcs-key-type=auto to automatically authenticate using the instance service account.

Commands are run exactly as if the repository were stored on a local disk.

File creation time in object stores is relatively slow so commands benefit by increasing process-max to parallelize file creation.

16 Delete a Stanza

The stanza-delete command removes data in the repository associated with a stanza.[WARNING]

Use this command with caution — it will permanently remove all backups and archives from the pgBackRest repository for the specified stanza.

+ To delete a stanza:

  • Shut down the PostgreSQL cluster associated with the stanza (or use --force to override).

  • Run the stop command on the host where the stanza-delete command will be run.

  • Run the stanza-delete command.

Once the command successfully completes, it is the responsibility of the user to remove the stanza from all pgBackRest configuration files and/or environment variables.

A stanza may only be deleted from one repository at a time. To delete the stanza from multiple repositories, repeat the stanza-delete command for each repository while specifying the --repo option.

pg-primary Stop PostgreSQL cluster to be removed

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop

pg-primary Stop pgBackRest for the stanza

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=info stop
P00   INFO: stop command begin 2.34: execid=18926ae8c3fc loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp stanza=demo
P00   INFO: stop command end: completed successfully

pg-primary Delete the stanza from one repository

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --repo=1 \
       --log-level-console=info stanza-delete
P00   INFO: stanzadelete command begin 2.34: execid=190009948741 loglevelconsole=info loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo=1 repo2azureaccount= repo2azurecontainer=democontainer repo2azurekey= repo1cipherpass= repo1ciphertype=aes256cbc repo4gcsbucket=demobucket repo4gcskey= repo1path=/var/lib/pgbackrest repo2path=/demorepo repo3path=/demorepo repo4path=/demorepo repo3s3bucket=demobucket repo3s3key= repo3s3keysecret= repo3s3region=useast1 repo2type=azure repo3type=s3 repo4type=gcs stanza=demo
P00   INFO: stanza-delete command end: completed successfully

17 Dedicated Repository Host

The configuration described in Quickstart is suitable for simple installations but for enterprise configurations it is more typical to have a dedicated repository host where the backups and WAL archive files are stored. This separates the backups and WAL archive from the database server so database host failures have less impact. It is still a good idea to employ traditional backup software to backup the repository host.

On PostgreSQL hosts, pg1-path is required to be the path of the local PostgreSQL cluster and no pg1-host should be configured. When configuring a repository host, the pgbackrest configuration file must have the pg-host option configured to connect to the primary and standby (if any) hosts. The repository host has the only pgbackrest configuration that should be aware of more than one PostgreSQL host. Order does not matter, e.g. pg1-path/pg1-host, pg2-path/pg2-host can be primary or standby.

17.1 Installation

A new host named repository is created to store the cluster backups.

The pgBackRest version installed on the repository host must exactly match the version installed on the PostgreSQL host.

The pgbackrest user is created to own the pgBackRest repository. Any user can own the repository but it is best not to use postgres (if it exists) to avoid confusion.

repository Create pgbackrest user

sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" pgbackrest

pgBackRest needs to be installed from a package or installed manually as shown here.

build Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install postgresql-client libxml2

repository Copy pgBackRest binary from build host

sudo scp build:/build/pgbackrest-release-2.34/src/pgbackrest /usr/bin
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/pgbackrest

pgBackRest requires log and configuration directories and a configuration file.

repository Create pgBackRest configuration file and directories

sudo mkdir -p -m 770 /var/log/pgbackrest
sudo chown pgbackrest:pgbackrest /var/log/pgbackrest
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest/conf.d
sudo touch /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
sudo chmod 640 /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
sudo chown pgbackrest:pgbackrest /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf

repository Create the pgBackRest repository

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/pgbackrest
sudo chmod 750 /var/lib/pgbackrest
sudo chown pgbackrest:pgbackrest /var/lib/pgbackrest

17.2 Setup Passwordless SSH

pgBackRest requires passwordless SSH to enable communication between the hosts.

repository Create repository host key pair

sudo -u pgbackrest mkdir -m 750 /home/pgbackrest/.ssh
sudo -u pgbackrest ssh-keygen -f /home/pgbackrest/.ssh/id_rsa \
       -t rsa -b 4096 -N ""

pg-primary Create pg-primary host key pair

sudo -u postgres mkdir -m 750 -p /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh
sudo -u postgres ssh-keygen -f /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/id_rsa \
       -t rsa -b 4096 -N ""

Exchange keys between repository and pg-primary.

repository Copy pg-primary public key to repository

(echo -n 'no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,' && \
       echo -n 'command="/usr/bin/pgbackrest ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" ' && \
       sudo ssh root@pg-primary cat /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/ | \
       sudo -u pgbackrest tee -a /home/pgbackrest/.ssh/authorized_keys

pg-primary Copy repository public key to pg-primary

(echo -n 'no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,' && \
       echo -n 'command="/usr/bin/pgbackrest ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" ' && \
       sudo ssh root@repository cat /home/pgbackrest/.ssh/ | \
       sudo -u postgres tee -a /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/authorized_keys

Test that connections can be made from repository to pg-primary and vice versa.

repository Test connection from repository to pg-primary

sudo -u pgbackrest ssh postgres@pg-primary

pg-primary Test connection from pg-primary to repository

sudo -u postgres ssh pgbackrest@repository

ssh has been configured to only allow pgBackRest to be run via passwordless ssh. This enhances security in the event that one of the service accounts is hijacked.

17.3 Configuration

The repository host must be configured with the pg-primary host/user and database path. The primary will be configured as pg1 to allow a standby to be added later.

repository:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure pg1-host/pg1-host-user and pg1-path



The database host must be configured with the repository host/user. The default for the repo1-host-user option is pgbackrest. If the postgres user does restores on the repository host it is best not to also allow the postgres user to perform backups. However, the postgres user can read the repository directly if it is in the same group as the pgbackrest user.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure repo1-host/repo1-host-user



Commands are run the same as on a single host configuration except that some commands such as backup and expire are run from the repository host instead of the database host.

Create the stanza in the new repository.

repository Create the stanza

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo stanza-create

Check that the configuration is correct on both the database and repository hosts. More information about the check command can be found in Check the Configuration.

pg-primary Check the configuration

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo check

repository Check the configuration

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo check

17.4 Perform a Backup

To perform a backup of the PostgreSQL cluster run pgBackRest with the backup command on the repository host.

repository Backup the demo cluster

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo backup
P00   WARN: no prior backup exists, incr backup has been changed to full

Since a new repository was created on the repository host the warning about the incremental backup changing to a full backup was emitted.

17.5 Restore a Backup

To perform a restore of the PostgreSQL cluster run pgBackRest with the restore command on the database host.

pg-primary Stop the demo cluster, restore, and restart PostgreSQL

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta restore
sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start

18 Parallel Backup / Restore

pgBackRest offers parallel processing to improve performance of compression and transfer. The number of processes to be used for this feature is set using the --process-max option.

It is usually best not to use more than 25% of available CPUs for the backup command. Backups don’t have to run that fast as long as they are performed regularly and the backup process should not impact database performance, if at all possible.

The restore command can and should use all available CPUs because during a restore the PostgreSQL cluster is shut down and there is generally no other important work being done on the host. If the host contains multiple clusters then that should be considered when setting restore parallelism.

repository Perform a backup with single process

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=full backup

repository:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure pgBackRest to use multiple backup processes



repository Perform a backup with multiple processes

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=full backup

repository Get backup info for the demo cluster

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest info
stanza: demo
    status: ok
    cipher: none

    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (12): 00000008000000000000001C/00000008000000000000001D

        full backup: 20210603220929F
            timestamp start/stop: 2021-06-03 22:09:29 / 2021-06-03 22:09:49
            wal start/stop: 00000008000000000000001C / 00000008000000000000001C
            database size: 31MB, database backup size: 31MB
            repo1: backup set size: 3.7MB, backup size: 3.7MB

        full backup: 20210603220951F
            timestamp start/stop: 2021-06-03 22:09:51 / 2021-06-03 22:09:59
            wal start/stop: 00000008000000000000001D / 00000008000000000000001D
            database size: 31MB, database backup size: 31MB
            repo1: backup set size: 3.7MB, backup size: 3.7MB

The performance of the last backup should be improved by using multiple processes. For very small backups the difference may not be very apparent, but as the size of the database increases so will time savings.

19 Starting and Stopping

Sometimes it is useful to prevent pgBackRest from running on a system. For example, when failing over from a primary to a standby it’s best to prevent pgBackRest from running on the old primary in case PostgreSQL gets restarted or can’t be completely killed. This will also prevent pgBackRest from running on cron.

pg-primary Stop the pgBackRest services

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest stop

New pgBackRest processes will no longer run.

repository Attempt a backup

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo backup
P00   WARN: unable to check pg-1: [StopError] raised from remote-0 protocol on 'pg-primary': stop file exists for all stanzas
P00  ERROR: [056]: unable to find primary cluster  cannot proceed

Specify the --force option to terminate any pgBackRest process that are currently running. If pgBackRest is already stopped then stopping again will generate a warning.

pg-primary Stop the pgBackRest services again

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest stop
P00   WARN: stop file already exists for all stanzas

Start pgBackRest processes again with the start command.

pg-primary Start the pgBackRest services

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest start

It is also possible to stop pgBackRest for a single stanza.

pg-primary Stop pgBackRest services for the demo stanza

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo stop

New pgBackRest processes for the specified stanza will no longer run.

repository Attempt a backup

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo backup
P00   WARN: unable to check pg-1: [StopError] raised from remote-0 protocol on 'pg-primary': stop file exists for stanza demo
P00  ERROR: [056]: unable to find primary cluster  cannot proceed

The stanza must also be specified when starting the pgBackRest processes for a single stanza.

pg-primary Start the pgBackRest services for the demo stanza

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo start

20 Replication

Replication allows multiple copies of a PostgreSQL cluster (called standbys) to be created from a single primary. The standbys are useful for balancing reads and to provide redundancy in case the primary host fails.

20.1 Installation

A new host named pg-standby is created to run the standby.

pgBackRest needs to be installed from a package or installed manually as shown here.

build Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install postgresql-client libxml2

pg-standby Copy pgBackRest binary from build host

sudo scp build:/build/pgbackrest-release-2.34/src/pgbackrest /usr/bin
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/pgbackrest

pgBackRest requires log and configuration directories and a configuration file.

pg-standby Create pgBackRest configuration file and directories

sudo mkdir -p -m 770 /var/log/pgbackrest
sudo chown postgres:postgres /var/log/pgbackrest
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest
sudo mkdir -p /etc/pgbackrest/conf.d
sudo touch /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
sudo chmod 640 /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf
sudo chown postgres:postgres /etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf

20.2 Setup Passwordless SSH

pgBackRest requires passwordless SSH to enable communication between the hosts.

pg-standby Create pg-standby host key pair

sudo -u postgres mkdir -m 750 -p /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh
sudo -u postgres ssh-keygen -f /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/id_rsa \
       -t rsa -b 4096 -N ""

Exchange keys between repository and pg-standby.

repository Copy pg-standby public key to repository

(echo -n 'no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,' && \
       echo -n 'command="/usr/bin/pgbackrest ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" ' && \
       sudo ssh root@pg-standby cat /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/ | \
       sudo -u pgbackrest tee -a /home/pgbackrest/.ssh/authorized_keys

pg-standby Copy repository public key to pg-standby

(echo -n 'no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,' && \
       echo -n 'command="/usr/bin/pgbackrest ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" ' && \
       sudo ssh root@repository cat /home/pgbackrest/.ssh/ | \
       sudo -u postgres tee -a /var/lib/postgresql/.ssh/authorized_keys

Test that connections can be made from repository to pg-standby and vice versa.

repository Test connection from repository to pg-standby

sudo -u pgbackrest ssh postgres@pg-standby

pg-standby Test connection from pg-standby to repository

sudo -u postgres ssh pgbackrest@repository

20.3 Hot Standby

A hot standby performs replication using the WAL archive and allows read-only queries.

pgBackRest configuration is very similar to pg-primary except that the standby recovery type will be used to keep the cluster in recovery mode when the end of the WAL stream has been reached.

pg-standby:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure pgBackRest on the standby



The demo cluster must be created (even though it will be overwritten on restore) in order to create the PostgreSQL configuration files.

pg-standby Create demo cluster

sudo pg_createcluster 12 demo

Now the standby can be created with the restore command.

If the cluster is intended to be promoted without becoming the new primary (e.g. for reporting or testing), use --archive-mode=off or set archive_mode=off in postgresql.conf to disable archiving. If archiving is not disabled then the repository may be polluted with WAL that can make restores more difficult.

pg-standby Restore the demo standby cluster

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta --type=standby restore
sudo -u postgres cat /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:06:48
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:07:40
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:07:57
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:08:27 # recovery_target = 'immediate'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:08:27 # recovery_target_action = 'promote'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:08:27
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:09:23 # recovery_target_time = '20210603 22:08:10.017082+00'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:09:23 # recovery_target_action = 'promote'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:09:23
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:10:21
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

The hot_standby setting must be enabled before starting PostgreSQL to allow read-only connections on pg-standby. Otherwise, connection attempts will be refused. The rest of the configuration is in case the standby is promoted to a primary.

pg-standby:*/etc/postgresql/12/demo/postgresql.conf* Configure PostgreSQL

archive_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=demo archive-push %p'
archive_mode = on
hot_standby = on
log_filename = 'postgresql.log'
log_line_prefix = ''
max_wal_senders = 3
wal_level = replica

pg-standby Start PostgreSQL

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start

The PostgreSQL log gives valuable information about the recovery. Note especially that the cluster has entered standby mode and is ready to accept read-only connections.

pg-standby Examine the PostgreSQL log output for log messages indicating success

sudo -u postgres cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-demo.log
       [filtered 4 lines of output]
LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 20210603 22:09:51 UTC
LOG:  entering standby mode
LOG:  restored log file "00000008.history" from archive
LOG:  restored log file "00000008000000000000001D" from archive
LOG:  redo starts at 0/1D000028
LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at 0/1D000138
LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections

An easy way to test that replication is properly configured is to create a table on pg-primary.

pg-primary Create a new table on the primary

sudo -u postgres psql -c " \
       begin; \
       create table replicated_table (message text); \
       insert into replicated_table values ('Important Data'); \
       commit; \
       select * from replicated_table";
 Important Data
(1 row)

And then query the same table on pg-standby.

pg-standby Query new table on the standby

sudo -u postgres psql -c "select * from replicated_table;"
ERROR:  relation "replicated_table" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from replicated_table;

So, what went wrong? Since PostgreSQL is pulling WAL segments from the archive to perform replication, changes won’t be seen on the standby until the WAL segment that contains those changes is pushed from pg-primary.

This can be done manually by calling pg_switch_wal() which pushes the current WAL segment to the archive (a new WAL segment is created to contain further changes).

pg-primary Call pg_switch_wal()

sudo -u postgres psql -c "select *, current_timestamp from pg_switch_wal()";
 pg_switch_wal |       current_timestamp
 0/1E021750    | 20210603 22:10:28.925141+00
(1 row)

Now after a short delay the table will appear on pg-standby.

pg-standby Now the new table exists on the standby (may require a few retries)

sudo -u postgres psql -c " \
       select *, current_timestamp from replicated_table"
    message     |       current_timestamp
 Important Data | 2021-06-03 22:10:29.866852+00
(1 row)

Check the standby configuration for access to the repository.

pg-standby Check the configuration

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=info check
P00   INFO: check command begin 2.34: execid=495ebb2c6f3 loglevelconsole=info loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo1host=repository stanza=demo
P00   INFO: check repo1 (standby)
P00   INFO: switch wal not performed because this is a standby
P00   INFO: check command end: completed successfully

20.4 Streaming Replication

Instead of relying solely on the WAL archive, streaming replication makes a direct connection to the primary and applies changes as soon as they are made on the primary. This results in much less lag between the primary and standby.

Streaming replication requires a user with the replication privilege.

pg-primary Create replication user

sudo -u postgres psql -c " \
       create user replicator password 'jw8s0F4' replication";

The pg_hba.conf file must be updated to allow the standby to connect as the replication user. Be sure to replace the IP address below with the actual IP address of your pg-primary. A reload will be required after modifying the pg_hba.conf file.

pg-primary Create pg_hba.conf entry for replication user

sudo -u postgres sh -c 'echo \
       "host    replication     replicator           md5" \
       >> /etc/postgresql/12/demo/pg_hba.conf'
sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo reload

The standby needs to know how to contact the primary so the primary_conninfo setting will be configured in pgBackRest.

pg-standby:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Set primary_conninfo

recovery-option=primary_conninfo=host= port=5432 user=replicator


It is possible to configure a password in the primary_conninfo setting but using a .pgpass file is more flexible and secure.

pg-standby Configure the replication password in the .pgpass file.

sudo -u postgres sh -c 'echo \
       "*:replication:replicator:jw8s0F4" \
       >> /var/lib/postgresql/.pgpass'
sudo -u postgres chmod 600 /var/lib/postgresql/.pgpass

Now the standby can be created with the restore command.

pg-standby Stop PostgreSQL and restore the demo standby cluster

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta --type=standby restore
sudo -u postgres cat /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:06:48
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:07:40
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:07:57
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:08:27 # recovery_target = 'immediate'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:08:27 # recovery_target_action = 'promote'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:08:27
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:09:23 # recovery_target_time = '20210603 22:08:10.017082+00'
# Removed by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:09:23 # recovery_target_action = 'promote'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:09:23
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

# Recovery settings generated by pgBackRest restore on 20210603 22:10:33
primary_conninfo = 'host= port=5432 user=replicator'
restore_command = 'pgbackrest stanza=demo archiveget %f "%p"'

The primary_conninfo setting has been written into the file because it was configured as a recovery-option in pgbackrest.conf. The --type=preserve option can be used with the restore to leave the existing file in place if that behavior is preferred.

pg-standby Start PostgreSQL

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo start

The PostgreSQL log will confirm that streaming replication has started.

pg-standby Examine the PostgreSQL log output for log messages indicating success

sudo -u postgres cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-demo.log
       [filtered 11 lines of output]
LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections
LOG:  restored log file "00000008000000000000001E" from archive
LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 0/1F000000 on timeline 8

Now when a table is created on pg-primary it will appear on pg-standby quickly and without the need to call pg_switch_wal().

pg-primary Create a new table on the primary

sudo -u postgres psql -c " \
       begin; \
       create table stream_table (message text); \
       insert into stream_table values ('Important Data'); \
       commit; \
       select *, current_timestamp from stream_table";
    message     |       current_timestamp
 Important Data | 2021-06-03 22:10:39.412666+00
(1 row)

pg-standby Query table on the standby

sudo -u postgres psql -c " \
       select *, current_timestamp from stream_table"
    message     |       current_timestamp
 Important Data | 2021-06-03 22:10:39.628808+00
(1 row)

21 Asynchronous Archiving

Asynchronous archiving is enabled with the archive-async option. This option enables asynchronous operation for both the archive-push and archive-get commands.

A spool path is required. The commands will store transient data here but each command works quite a bit differently so spool path usage is described in detail in each section.

pg-primary Create the spool directory

sudo mkdir -p -m 750 /var/spool/pgbackrest
sudo chown postgres:postgres /var/spool/pgbackrest

pg-standby Create the spool directory

sudo mkdir -p -m 750 /var/spool/pgbackrest
sudo chown postgres:postgres /var/spool/pgbackrest

The spool path must be configured and asynchronous archiving enabled. Asynchronous archiving automatically confers some benefit by reducing the number of connections made to remote storage, but setting process-max can drastically improve performance by parallelizing operations. Be sure not to set process-max so high that it affects normal database operations.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure the spool path and asynchronous archiving





pg-standby:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure the spool path and asynchronous archiving

recovery-option=primary_conninfo=host= port=5432 user=replicator




process-max is configured using command sections so that the option is not used by backup and restore. This also allows different values for archive-push and archive-get.

For demonstration purposes streaming replication will be broken to force PostgreSQL to get WAL using the restore_command.

pg-primary Break streaming replication by changing the replication password

sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user replicator password 'bogus'"

pg-standby Restart standby to break connection

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo restart

21.1 Archive Push

The asynchronous archive-push command offloads WAL archiving to a separate process (or processes) to improve throughput. It works by “looking ahead” to see which WAL segments are ready to be archived beyond the request that PostgreSQL is currently making via the archive_command. WAL segments are transferred to the archive directly from the pg_xlog/pg_wal directory and success is only returned by the archive_command when the WAL segment has been safely stored in the archive.

The spool path holds the current status of WAL archiving. Status files written into the spool directory are typically zero length and should consume a minimal amount of space (a few MB at most) and very little IO. All the information in this directory can be recreated so it is not necessary to preserve the spool directory if the cluster is moved to new hardware.

In the original implementation of asynchronous archiving, WAL segments were copied to the spool directory before compression and transfer. The new implementation copies WAL directly from the pg_xlog directory. If asynchronous archiving was utilized in v1.12 or prior, read the v1.13 release notes carefully before upgrading.

The [stanza]-archive-push-async.log file can be used to monitor the activity of the asynchronous process. A good way to test this is to quickly push a number of WAL segments.

pg-primary Test parallel asynchronous archiving

sudo -u postgres psql -c " \
       select pg_create_restore_point('test async push'); select pg_switch_wal(); \
       select pg_create_restore_point('test async push'); select pg_switch_wal(); \
       select pg_create_restore_point('test async push'); select pg_switch_wal(); \
       select pg_create_restore_point('test async push'); select pg_switch_wal(); \
       select pg_create_restore_point('test async push'); select pg_switch_wal();"
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=info check
P00   INFO: check command begin 2.34: execid=2514c8fa1078 loglevelconsole=info loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo repo1host=repository stanza=demo
P00   INFO: check repo1 configuration (primary)
P00   INFO: check repo1 archive for WAL (primary)
P00   INFO: WAL segment 000000080000000000000024 successfully archived to '/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive/demo/12-1/0000000800000000/000000080000000000000024-a4a55943d2f52543c879b8d62cfc3a74b6173665.gz' on repo1
P00   INFO: check command end: completed successfully

Now the log file will contain parallel, asynchronous activity.

pg-primary Check results in the log

sudo -u postgres cat /var/log/pgbackrest/demo-archive-push-async.log
P00   INFO: archivepush:async command begin 2.34: [/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/pg_wal] archiveasync execid=250008716ac9 loglevelconsole=off loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo processmax=2 repo1host=repository spoolpath=/var/spool/pgbackrest stanza=demo
P00   INFO: push 1 WAL file(s) to archive: 00000008000000000000001F
P01 DETAIL: pushed WAL file '00000008000000000000001F' to the archive
P00   INFO: archivepush:async command end: completed successfully

P00   INFO: archivepush:async command begin 2.34: [/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/pg_wal] archiveasync execid=2517c983649e loglevelconsole=off loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo processmax=2 repo1host=repository spoolpath=/var/spool/pgbackrest stanza=demo
P00   INFO: push 4 WAL file(s) to archive: 000000080000000000000020...000000080000000000000023
P01 DETAIL: pushed WAL file '000000080000000000000020' to the archive
P02 DETAIL: pushed WAL file '000000080000000000000021' to the archive
P01 DETAIL: pushed WAL file '000000080000000000000022' to the archive
P02 DETAIL: pushed WAL file '000000080000000000000023' to the archive
P00   INFO: archivepush:async command end: completed successfully

P00   INFO: archivepush:async command begin 2.34: [/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/pg_wal] archiveasync execid=25331955d7b8 loglevelconsole=off loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo processmax=2 repo1host=repository spoolpath=/var/spool/pgbackrest stanza=demo
P00   INFO: push 1 WAL file(s) to archive: 000000080000000000000024
P01 DETAIL: pushed WAL file '000000080000000000000024' to the archive
P00   INFO: archivepush:async command end: completed successfully

21.2 Archive Get

The asynchronous archive-get command maintains a local queue of WAL to improve throughput. If a WAL segment is not found in the queue it is fetched from the repository along with enough consecutive WAL to fill the queue. The maximum size of the queue is defined by archive-get-queue-max. Whenever the queue is less than half full more WAL will be fetched to fill it.

Asynchronous operation is most useful in environments that generate a lot of WAL or have a high latency connection to the repository storage (i.e., S3 or other object stores). In the case of a high latency connection it may be a good idea to increase process-max.

The [stanza]-archive-get-async.log file can be used to monitor the activity of the asynchronous process.

pg-standby Check results in the log

sudo -u postgres cat /var/log/pgbackrest/demo-archive-get-async.log
P00   INFO: archiveget:async command begin 2.34: [00000008000000000000001D, 00000008000000000000001E, 00000008000000000000001F, 000000080000000000000020, 000000080000000000000021, 000000080000000000000022, 000000080000000000000023, 000000080000000000000024] archiveasync execid=71241cfd40d loglevelconsole=off loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo processmax=2 repo1host=repository spoolpath=/var/spool/pgbackrest stanza=demo
P00   INFO: get 8 WAL file(s) from archive: 00000008000000000000001D...000000080000000000000024
P02 DETAIL: found 00000008000000000000001E in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P01 DETAIL: found 00000008000000000000001D in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P00 DETAIL: unable to find 00000008000000000000001F in the archive
P00   INFO: archiveget:async command end: completed successfully
       [filtered 14 lines of output]
P00   INFO: archiveget:async command begin 2.34: [00000008000000000000001F, 000000080000000000000020, 000000080000000000000021, 000000080000000000000022, 000000080000000000000023, 000000080000000000000024, 000000080000000000000025, 000000080000000000000026] archiveasync execid=754366b6d18 loglevelconsole=off loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo processmax=2 repo1host=repository spoolpath=/var/spool/pgbackrest stanza=demo
P00   INFO: get 8 WAL file(s) from archive: 00000008000000000000001F...000000080000000000000026
P01 DETAIL: found 00000008000000000000001F in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P01 DETAIL: found 000000080000000000000021 in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P02 DETAIL: found 000000080000000000000020 in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P01 DETAIL: found 000000080000000000000022 in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P02 DETAIL: found 000000080000000000000023 in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P01 DETAIL: found 000000080000000000000024 in the repo1: 12-1 archive
P00 DETAIL: unable to find 000000080000000000000025 in the archive
P00   INFO: archiveget:async command end: completed successfully
       [filtered 11 lines of output]

pg-primary Fix streaming replication by changing the replication password

sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user replicator password 'jw8s0F4'"

22 Backup from a Standby

pgBackRest can perform backups on a standby instead of the primary. Standby backups require the pg-standby host to be configured and the backup-standby option enabled. If more than one standby is configured then the first running standby found will be used for the backup.

repository:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Configure pg2-host/pg2-host-user and pg2-path



Both the primary and standby databases are required to perform the backup, though the vast majority of the files will be copied from the standby to reduce load on the primary. The database hosts can be configured in any order. pgBackRest will automatically determine which is the primary and which is the standby.

repository Backup the demo cluster from pg2

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo --log-level-console=detail backup
       [filtered 2 lines of output]
P00   INFO: execute nonexclusive pg_start_backup(): backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000080000000000000026, lsn = 0/26000028
P00   INFO: wait for replay on the standby to reach 0/26000028
P00   INFO: replay on the standby reached 0/26000028
P03   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/1249 (440KB, 18%) checksum 1b0dc9433410673a00a88378693683305f4a1e51
P04   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/2674 (344KB, 33%) checksum 2652c971ef87b478081380081ad5f84b80214a47
       [filtered 7 lines of output]
P03   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/2704 (40KB, 68%) checksum f9052a754e1da43783058e862141af5b119b20ed
P04   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/2703 (32KB, 69%) checksum 5a29aa4d8efa67c93f3b4d46785f4490310524d3
P01   INFO: backup file pg-primary:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/global/pg_control (8KB, 69%) checksum ac2614d5847612784674510b34e31c409d3f14d7
P02   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/2608 (456KB, 89%) checksum 60d1917526cb73ce2a34f70a0cdfc204baf01fa3
P03   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/2662 (32KB, 90%) checksum eabc23d2f9253751aaabe26560aa812b18858bcf
P04   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/2610 (32KB, 92%) checksum f8cbe82c482555e80fa010585916fe121dd6e900
P01   INFO: backup file pg-primary:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/pg_logical/replorigin_checkpoint (8B, 92%) checksum 347fc8f2df71bd4436e38bd1516ccd7ea0d46532
P02   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/2608_fsm (24KB, 93%) checksum 8713ae07c57990e2344d07c4eebe2af584ea67ab
P03   INFO: backup file pgstandby:/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo/base/13359/1249_fsm (24KB, 94%) checksum 02bbcb6cbec6f752585623e5e0851adef848a4f4
       [filtered 1279 lines of output]

This incremental backup shows that most of the files are copied from the pg-standby host and only a few are copied from the pg-primary host.

pgBackRest creates a standby backup that is identical to a backup performed on the primary. It does this by starting/stopping the backup on the pg-primary host, copying only files that are replicated from the pg-standby host, then copying the remaining few files from the pg-primary host. This means that logs and statistics from the primary database will be included in the backup.

23 Upgrading PostgreSQL

Immediately after upgrading PostgreSQL to a newer major version, the pg-path for all pgBackRest configurations must be set to the new database location and the stanza-upgrade command run. If there is more than one repository configured on the host, the stanza will be created on each. If the database is offline use the --no-online option.

The following instructions are not meant to be a comprehensive guide for upgrading PostgreSQL, rather they outline the general process for upgrading a primary and standby with the intent of demonstrating the steps required to reconfigure pgBackRest. It is recommended that a backup be taken prior to upgrading.

pg-primary Stop old cluster

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop

Stop the old cluster on the standby since it will be restored from the newly upgraded cluster.

pg-standby Stop old cluster

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 demo stop

Create the new cluster and perform upgrade.

pg-primary Create new cluster and perform the upgrade

sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/initdb \
       -D /var/lib/postgresql/13/demo -k -A peer
sudo pg_createcluster 13 demo
sudo -u postgres sh -c 'cd /var/lib/postgresql && \
       /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/pg_upgrade \
       --old-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin \
       --new-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin \
       --old-datadir=/var/lib/postgresql/12/demo \
       --new-datadir=/var/lib/postgresql/13/demo \
       --old-options=" -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/12/demo/postgresql.conf" \
       --new-options=" -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/13/demo/postgresql.conf"'
       [filtered 64 lines of output]
Creating script to delete old cluster                       ok
Upgrade Complete
Optimizer statistics are not transferred by pg_upgrade so,
       [filtered 4 lines of output]

Configure the new cluster settings and port.

pg-primary:*/etc/postgresql/13/demo/postgresql.conf* Configure PostgreSQL

archive_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=demo archive-push %p'
archive_mode = on
listen_addresses = '*'
log_line_prefix = ''
max_wal_senders = 3
port = 5432
wal_level = replica

Update the pgBackRest configuration on all systems to point to the new cluster.

pg-primary:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Upgrade the pg1-path





pg-standby:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Upgrade the pg-path

recovery-option=primary_conninfo=host= port=5432 user=replicator




repository:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Upgrade pg1-path and pg2-path, disable backup from standby



pg-primary Copy hba configuration

sudo cp /etc/postgresql/12/demo/pg_hba.conf \

Before starting the new cluster, the stanza-upgrade command must be run.

pg-primary Upgrade the stanza

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --no-online \
       --log-level-console=info stanza-upgrade
P00   INFO: stanzaupgrade command begin 2.34: execid=2900b34e97c0 loglevelconsole=info loglevelfile=detail loglevelstderr=off nologtimestamp noonline pg1path=/var/lib/postgresql/13/demo repo1host=repository stanza=demo
P00   INFO: stanzaupgrade for stanza 'demo' on repo1
P00   INFO: stanza-upgrade command end: completed successfully

Start the new cluster and confirm it is successfully installed.

pg-primary Start new cluster

sudo pg_ctlcluster 13 demo start

Test configuration using the check command.

pg-primary Check configuration

sudo -u postgres pg_lsclusters
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner    Data directory              Log file
12  demo    5432 down   postgres /var/lib/postgresql/12/demo /var/log/postgresql/postgresql12demo.log
13  demo    5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/13/demo /var/log/postgresql/postgresql13demo.log
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo check

Remove the old cluster.

pg-primary Remove old cluster

sudo pg_dropcluster 12 demo

Install the new PostgreSQL binaries on the standby and create the cluster.

pg-standby Remove old cluster and create the new cluster

sudo pg_dropcluster 12 demo
sudo pg_createcluster 13 demo

Run the check on the repository host. The warning regarding the standby being down is expected since the standby cluster is down. Running this command demonstrates that the repository server is aware of the standby and is configured properly for the primary server.

repository Check configuration

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo check
P00   WARN: unable to check pg2: [DbConnectError] raised from remote0 protocol on 'pgstandby': unable to connect to 'dbname='postgres' port=5432': could not connect to server: No such file or directory
                Is the server running locally and accepting
                connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Run a full backup on the new cluster and then restore the standby from the backup. The backup type will automatically be changed to full if incr or diff is requested.

repository Run a full backup

sudo -u pgbackrest pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=full backup

pg-standby Restore the demo standby cluster

sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --delta --type=standby restore

pg-standby:*/etc/postgresql/13/demo/postgresql.conf* Configure PostgreSQL

hot_standby = on

pg-standby Start PostgreSQL and check the pgBackRest configuration

sudo pg_ctlcluster 13 demo start
sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo check

Backup from standby can be enabled now that the standby is restored.

repository:*/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf* Reenable backup from standby



Copyright © 2015-2021, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group, MIT License. Updated June 7, 2021