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21.2. Role Attributes

A database role can have a number of attributes that define its privileges and interact with the client authentication system.

[.term]#login privilege

Only roles that have the LOGIN attribute can be used as the initial role name for a database connection. A role with the LOGIN attribute can be considered the same as a “[.quote]#database user”#. To create a role with login privilege, use either: +

  (`+CREATE USER+` is equivalent to `+CREATE ROLE+` except that `+CREATE USER+` includes `+LOGIN+` by default, while `+CREATE ROLE+` does not.)
[.term]#superuser status::
  A database superuser bypasses all permission checks, except the right to log in. This is a dangerous privilege and should not be used carelessly; it is best to do most of your work as a role that is not a superuser. To create a new database superuser, use `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ SUPERUSER+`. You must do this as a role that is already a superuser.
[.term]#database creation::
  A role must be explicitly given permission to create databases (except for superusers, since those bypass all permission checks). To create such a role, use `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ CREATEDB+`.
[#ROLE-CREATION .term]#role creation::
  A role must be explicitly given permission to create more roles (except for superusers, since those bypass all permission checks). To create such a role, use `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ CREATEROLE+`. A role with `+CREATEROLE+` privilege can alter and drop other roles, too, as well as grant or revoke membership in them. Altering a role includes most changes that can be made using `+ALTER ROLE+`, including, for example, changing passwords. It also includes modifications to a role that can be made using the `+COMMENT+` and `+SECURITY LABEL+` commands.
  However, `+CREATEROLE+` does not convey the ability to create `+SUPERUSER+` roles, nor does it convey any power over `+SUPERUSER+` roles that already exist. Furthermore, `+CREATEROLE+` does not convey the power to create `+REPLICATION+` users, nor the ability to grant or revoke the `+REPLICATION+` privilege, nor the ability to modify the role properties of such users. However, it does allow `+ALTER ROLE ... SET+` and `+ALTER ROLE ... RENAME+` to be used on `+REPLICATION+` roles, as well as the use of `+COMMENT ON ROLE+`, `+SECURITY LABEL ON ROLE+`, and `+DROP ROLE+`. Finally, `+CREATEROLE+` does not confer the ability to grant or revoke the `+BYPASSRLS+` privilege.
  Because the `+CREATEROLE+` privilege allows a user to grant or revoke membership even in roles to which it does not (yet) have any access, a `+CREATEROLE+` user can obtain access to the capabilities of every predefined role in the system, including highly privileged roles such as `+pg_execute_server_program+` and `+pg_write_server_files+`.
[.term]#initiating replication::
  A role must explicitly be given permission to initiate streaming replication (except for superusers, since those bypass all permission checks). A role used for streaming replication must have `+LOGIN+` permission as well. To create such a role, use `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ REPLICATION LOGIN+`.
  A password is only significant if the client authentication method requires the user to supply a password when connecting to the database. The `+password+` and `+md5+` authentication methods make use of passwords. Database passwords are separate from operating system passwords. Specify a password upon role creation with `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ PASSWORD '+`_`+string+`_`+'+`.
[.term]#inheritance of privileges::
  A role is given permission to inherit the privileges of roles it is a member of, by default. However, to create a role without the permission, use `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ NOINHERIT+`.
[.term]#bypassing row-level security::
  A role must be explicitly given permission to bypass every row-level security (RLS) policy (except for superusers, since those bypass all permission checks). To create such a role, use `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ BYPASSRLS+` as a superuser.
[.term]#connection limit::
  Connection limit can specify how many concurrent connections a role can make. -1 (the default) means no limit. Specify connection limit upon role creation with `+CREATE ROLE +`_`+name+`_`+ CONNECTION LIMIT '+`_`+integer+`_`+'+`.

A role’s attributes can be modified after creation with ALTER ROLE. See the reference pages for the CREATE ROLE and ALTER ROLE commands for details.

A role can also have role-specific defaults for many of the run-time configuration settings described in Chapter 19. For example, if for some reason you want to disable index scans (hint: not a good idea) anytime you connect, you can use:

ALTER ROLE myname SET enable_indexscan TO off;

This will save the setting (but not set it immediately). In subsequent connections by this role it will appear as though SET enable_indexscan TO off had been executed just before the session started. You can still alter this setting during the session; it will only be the default. To remove a role-specific default setting, use +ALTER ROLE +`+rolename++ RESET `_`+varname_. Note that role-specific defaults attached to roles without `LOGIN privilege are fairly useless, since they will never be invoked.

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21.1. Database Roles


21.3. Role Membership

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