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33.4. TAP Tests

Various tests, particularly the client program tests under src/bin, use the Perl TAP tools and are run using the Perl testing program prove. You can pass command-line options to prove by setting the make variable PROVE_FLAGS, for example:

make -C src/bin check PROVE_FLAGS='--timer'

See the manual page of prove for more information.

The make variable PROVE_TESTS can be used to define a whitespace-separated list of paths relative to the Makefile invoking prove to run the specified subset of tests instead of the default t/*.pl. For example:

make check PROVE_TESTS='t/ t/'

The TAP tests require the Perl module IPC::Run. This module is available from CPAN or an operating system package. They also require PostgreSQL to be configured with the option --enable-tap-tests.

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33.5. Test Coverage Examination

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